The author of this book desires to be anonymous. As you read this book, you will relate to Pearl’s trials and tribulations. You have all experienced them in some form or another.
The Lord gave her the name, Pearl, because she, like you are a pearl of great price.
- Matthew 13:45-46 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant
seeking beautiful pearls, 46 who, when he had found one pearl of
great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”
As I read the short parable of the pearl of great price, I could sense the still, quiet voice of my Lord. “Tell me what you think this parable means?” “Well,” I answered, “I always thought that You were the priceless pearl. We are to search for You until we find You. It seems like You are rare and difficult to find. Once we locate You, we are to give everything up, sell our belongings and give the money to charity. We give up everything in our lives so we can earn or purchase You.”
The following words were as clear as they were surprising. “No, that is not right. You have been sadly mislead. You see My Love, I am the merchant. I Am rich. All resources and power belongs to Me. I roam the earth seeking those who will respond to My love. I know your heart. I know that you will respond to My love. I also know your worth. You see, My love, You are the Pearl of Great Price. Listen to Me. You are that pearl! You are what I wanted all along. You did not find Me – I found YOU! You did not search for ME; I went looking for You! She wants all honor and glory to go to our Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The Purpose of the Pearl Letters
The Letters to Pearl have a specific purpose, according to Holy Spirit.
Their purpose is:
- 1. Book One of the letters is about establishing an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It speaks of how much He Loves us(and Papa, of course). It heals us of our wounds and establishes truth that most of us need to hear. It is to court, woo, and reveal the truth that Jesus is our Husband and wants nothing less than serious intimacy with us. No more surface relationship. Therefore, like a man in love with a girl, He came courting, wooing, bringing kindness, healing, and inviting us to marry Him.
- 2. Book Two is “Come now, My Bride, sit with Me, snuggle, and I will teach you how to deal with life’s hard things.”
- 3. Book Three is about the lost sheep and how to relate to them. It ends with the Family Business.
- 4. Book Four is about the school of the warrior.
- 5. Book Five is living life to the fullest.
- 6. Books Six and Seven are daily devotions given in short lessons called Pearls of Wisdom.
(Note: I never planned this outline . . . I never planned anything at all! I read them right along with everyone else . . . just a little earlier. I personally think this is a great way to lay out the message. Also note the speed of the dictation . . . 350 pages in 4 1/2 months . . . and that was with interruptions of being out of town or whatever. If you look at my handwriting you will see that the only scratched out words are those where my handwriting is so bad from being half asleep, in the dark room in the middle of the night so not to disturb my sleeping household, or misspelled words because I have to write so quickly when He dictated fast . . . or perhaps because I was excited about what I was hearing. Otherwise, no rewrites at all. There is no outline because I did not have a clue what was going to be written. I simply started with the first word, then the next, the next and then the torrent soon followed).
Finally, the Pearl who reads the letters and enters into the intimate relationship with the Trinity has been taught bit by bit how to open up and receive His Voice and Presence for herself/himself. Of course, the letters and revelation/teaching could go on forever but that is not the purpose. The point is to invite and teach each pearl to hear from the Trinity her/himself and then go on the personal journey of love, learning, and ministry united to Him. Once a Pearl gets to the end, they will be hearing from and sensing His Presence just fine . . . as long as they truly desire it, of course.
The letters are like taking a 12 month old by the hand and guiding him around until he can let go and walk on his own. First he has to figure out that his legs are truly capable of holding him up and moving. Then he has to learn lessons about balance and gravity. Then he uses props like mom or furniture to help him along. Then he gets enough confidence (faith). to let go and take off doing what he was created to do . . . walk. That is Papa’s design for the letters. No more. He wants each pearl to belong to Him and depend only on Him . . . not on any letters or other person. That is one reason that I am to forever remain unknown. I am no one special. I am a grain of sand. We are also not to identify ourselves with any denomination or other organization or label. We are His and His alone. We do not depend on pastors or book authors or singers or spouses or family or friends or anyone else…we are completely attached to Papa’s vine . . . abiding in only Him. All other vines are distractions at best and tares (destructive lookalike weeds). at worst.
Holy Spirit has been talking to me about intimacy with the Trinity a lot. Note: Jesus died for our sins so we can be forgiven and have eternal life. Eternal life means not separated from God when we pass into the next life. The Lord has built the New Jerusalem . . . City of God . . . beautiful, shining with His Light, streams of water flowing from Him through the city, brighter colors than we have ever known, peace, no tears, unity among the brethren, etc. Fabulous. We are not citizens of earth any longer . . . we are now citizens of Heaven.
So we have a choice. We are secure in our salvation. That is not a part of the choice. The choice is how much intimacy with the Trinity do we want. We can be . . . and already are . . . citizens in that holy city . . . OR . . . we can have that and more. We can be in the intimate Secret Place with the Trinity. Lot (Abraham’s nephew). was content to be a citizen. He did leave his sinful hometown and by faith follow where God led Abraham . . .just like we do when we are saved. But that is where it ended. He was happy to be a citizen. Abraham, on the other hand, was not content to be just a citizen. He wanted intimacy. He did not care where he landed on earth, what the circumstances were . . . even to the point of sacrificing his son . . . just as long as he had intimacy with God.
Just like we have the secret place, garden of Eden, deep within our spirits, the Trinity shares a Secret Place Garden of Eden. That is where I want to live. Give me the Secret Place of God!
It would be like this: Consider a man and a woman who get married. The man says, “Ok, honey. I will fulfill the role of my vows to you. Here is the credit card. I will provide for all your needs. Use it as you like. Here is the packet of owners’ manuals for your new house, car and computer. Here, also, is a bunch of letters about how we are in a covenant (marriage contract). and how I love you. Now, if you have any problems, you can call me. Have a wonderful new life and remember that I will answer you if you call.” Well, I know there are tons of people who would love and be super content with that arrangement. Not me. I want intimacy with my True Husband. I give back the credit card, house, and everything else. Rather, I say . . . “Where You go, I go. Nothing less. I will wear rags and eat from dumpsters as long as I am with You and in You. I want You . . . not Your provision. I not only want You but I want deeper and deeper intimacy with You. I want for us to possess each other (you could use the word “penetrate” but that might freak some out). I am greedy for only You!
The saddest lines in the Bible are when Jesus tells people that He has delivered or healed, “Go home,” “Go in Peace,” or “Pick up your bed and go home.”I would say . . .okay, forget healing me, just never, never dismiss me. Let me just stay here with You forever and ever. I understand the Lord has prepared the New Jerusalem for His citizens but as for me . . . I would rather be His wife. I want to go home with my Husband when the party is over. Let everyone else enjoy the great mansions . . . I go home with my Husband to His Secret Place.
The Letters to Pearl, and all those nights days of wonderful experiences in His Presence served to draw out my love and create an obsessive desire to have more and more intimacy with the Trinity. I love the letters and the memories of taking dictation and continuing conversations on the topics of the letters but those are just love gifts. I set down the love gifts and run into the Arms of my Lover. Nothing and no one can ever take His place. So for me . . . choosing between citizenship and intimacy is no hard thing. Give me intimacy!!
You are welcome to share this information with any Pearl. I hope it helps bring clarity and overall understanding. You all really are chosen by Papa and beautiful to Him. You will soon know that to be a fact.