Test your mind!
When your phone rings, the first thing you want to know is, who’s calling? Is your mind private? Are all your thoughts created by you? Or are others calling you and talking to you in your head? If so, who are they? What do they want?
- 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God
Are you alone with your thoughts? Are all the thoughts actually “thoughts “ or are they messages? Is our mind like a sealed vault? Or is it more like a radio receiver?How private are our own thoughts? If our own thoughts are not private, who else is listening?If the words in your head are not all formed by ourselves, who else is talking to us?Do we have any control over the invasion? Please pray about this today!
Who is in control?
We all follow our thoughts. What path are they leading us down?
Our thoughts are our opinions and desires.Our thoughts are what we believe.
Our thoughts are our world where we live.Our thoughts are our roadmap.
We follow wherever they lead us.We believe what they say.
We spend more time with our thoughts than with anything or anyone else.
Our thoughts conduct our lives.
Our understanding of the past is shaped by our thoughts.
Our view of the future is dominated by our thoughts.
Who is in control of the millions of thoughts that enter our mind every hour?
Where do they come from?
If our thoughts are the vehicle on the road of our lives, who is driving?
Our thoughts are our basis for every opinion and decision we make, right?
Then who or what is the source of our thoughts?
Are we, alone, the originator of every thought?
Whoever is the source of our thoughts is in control of our mind.
Whoever is in control of our mind is in control of our lives.
We were given a precious gift from Father God.This gift is called, free will.
We have the freedom to choose what we say, do and think about every second that we live on the earth.
Is that personal power of choice valuable?
Does anyone or any being want to take your power to choose away from you?
In other words, are there other voices coming to your mind that disguise themselves as your own thoughts?
If so, why are they talking to you?
What’s their goal?
Who is sending them?
Do they want to rob you or help you?
Are they good or evil?
Is there any way that we can remain alone in our thoughts?
Is there any way we can control the traffic in our head?Can we choose which thoughts from outside of us enter our minds and which ones are blocked?
Question your mind
Is your mind full of thoughts of Fear?
Memories of wrongs?
The faults of others?
Lust and sexual temptations?
Self hatred?
Depression and hopelessness?
If so, are you making the decision to think about these things?
Or are the thoughts simply coming to you, uninvited?
Test your thoughts
Think about something. Deliberately choose to think about something. Anything. What you want to do today. Or what to do about dinner tonight. Anything. Stop reading and form a thought.
Now, think about how it felt to decide what to think about. Remember the energy it took to think your own thoughts. Remember the decision process.
Now don’t think about anything. Let your mind “go.” Release your control over your thoughts for a few minutes. Yes, you have control over your thoughts just like you have control over your hands. Relax the “muscles of control “ over your mind. Wait a minute.
What thoughts entered your mind?
Compare the difference between “choosing “ what to think about and opening the door for thoughts to enter your mind from an outside source.
You didn’t decide anything. They just “came.”You didn’t use energy to form the thought.
Now examine the thoughts that came to you.
Examine the thoughts that usually come to you through out most of your days.
Are they full of Light or darkness?
Good or evil?
Loving or accusing others?
Clean and pure and innocent or sexual and tempting?
Happy or depressing?
Do they make you feel safe or in danger?
Peaceful or stressful?
Comforted or alarmed?
Wanting to give to and help others or putting yourself first?
Is there freedom or addiction?
Now, is an outside source trying to control your mind and therefore your behavior and your words?
If so, who?
Why would an outside being want control over your mind?
Do the thoughts that come to you effect what you choose to say to people?
Do the thoughts that come to you effect your behavior?
In other words, are these thoughts controlling your life-path?
Are they controlling your relationships?
Do you WANT these outside sources to control your mind and therefore your words and actions?
Who do you want to control your mind?
You have a great power!
The expression, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” is the truth.
What is a will?
What is your will?
How often do you use it?
What can you use it for?
Can your will make decisions?
Can your will make choices?
Can your will direct your thoughts?
Can your will be controlled?
If your will can be controlled, who or what wants to control it?
What’s their goal?
Can your will override the negative thoughts?
Can your will seek truth?
Have our wills been influenced already?
If so, by who?
What is their will?
How can we see what is influencing our will?
Do we still have a “free” will?
Are we what we really want to be?
Are we “free” thinking people?
Or, are we prisoners of our thoughts?
How can we use our will to take back our minds?
Do we need help?
Who can help us with our wills and our thoughts?
What happens when you relax your mind?
When you relinquish all control of your thoughts, where do they go?
Do they go up or down?
Right or left?
Towards light or death?
Do they become good or evil?
If you are in a row boat and you don’t use the oars, will the current automatically take you where you want to go?
What are the “oars” of the mind?
How do you use them?
How often should you use them?
What happens if you don’t?
Where does the current of thought take you?
Do you want to go there?
Why not?
Do the oars represent your will?
Are you satisfied with the thoughts in your mind?
Do they bring you peace? Or do they create storms?
If you received thoughts of truth that you didn’t see before, would they help you?
If you received thoughts of love for you and for others, would they change your emotions?
If you received thoughts of hope for the future, would they influence your decisions?
What kinds of thoughts would you like to receive?
Test each thought.
If you want to find out the truth about something, what do you do?
Do you ask questions?
Do you wait and make observations over time?
Do you investigate any related issues?
Do you want to know the truth about what’s going on inside your head?
Do you want to know who is in charge?
Do you want to know how to change the situation inside of your head?Can it be changed?
Will the process be easy?
How long will it take?
Does it take work?
How much work will it take?
Will it be worth it?
What will happen if your current thoughts change to the kind kinds of thoughts that you prefer?
Will your future take a different road?
Will you have more peace?
Will you be happier?
Look at a small child.
Do the same thoughts that control your mind control their mind?
Who has more freedom in their inner life, you or a small child?
You were once a small child also.
What happened to your freedom within your inner self?
Were you put into a mental jail?
Are you stuck there?
Do you want to be free?
Do you want the freedom of a small child?
Look at the birds.
They face various weather conditions.
They face various feeding and living conditions.
They have adversaries.
They suffer losses.
Do they continue to sing?
Do they continue to fly?
Do the continue to enjoy their freedom?
Can you?
When the electricity goes out
When the electricity goes out and you are in a dark room, what do you do?
Do you like being in the dark place?
Do you have control over the darkness?
What do you focus on?
Is there a tiny bit of light that is coming from somewhere?
Will that small sliver of light be the place to put your attention?
Will the light coming through a crack lead you out of the dark place?
Was that light always there, even before the power went out and the artificial light stopped?
Do you want more real light?
What does it do to the darkness?
Where do you physically go to get real light?
Where can you go to get real light inside your mind?
Which gives you more physical freedom, light or darkness?
Which gives you more mental and emotional freedom, light or darkness?
Which do you experience the most each day?
What does freedom feel like?
What does peace feel like?
Is there a small sliver of light in your inner life?
Can that light be covered up like pulling the curtains over a window?
Can the curtains be removed again?
Are you afraid to remove the curtains?
When you are in a dark room, do you see things that aren’t really there?
When you are in a dark room, do things look different?
When the light comes into the room, how do those things look?
How do they make you feel when you see them in the light?
Did you lose sleep?
Does darkness inside your mind make you lose sleep?
Can light help?
Where is a tiny sliver of light to focus on?
Do you want more light within your mind?
Do you have enough light to see the way things really are? Or are you seeing shadows?
Is your mind a safe place?
Is there safety in the shadows?
Is there safety in the light?
Do your thoughts lead you to places of peace and safety?
Do your thoughts bring you comfort and security?
Which thoughts settle your emotions?
Which thoughts stir them up?
What is the difference between those thoughts?
What do you focus on?
What did you focus on yesterday?
What do you want to focus on today?
Do you have thoughts that you want to avoid?
Do you have thoughts that you want to be free from?
How can you be free from them?
Is there any help?
Everyone needs a safe place to live.
Is your mind a safe place for you?
Are you and your mind one the same thing or are you and your mind separate?
In other words, are you your mind?
Is your mind you?
If your mind is not you, is your mind trustworthy?
Is it a friend for you or is it sometimes like an enemy towards you?
When your mind is not a safe place for you, where can you go?
When your inner life is not your place of peace, what can you do?
If your thoughts are not your friends, who can you listen to?
Can anyone else help?
Do others have the same problem?
Do they openly talk about it or do they hide it?
Do the people around you hide an inner life of fear, pain, and anger?
Or, are they free?
Have you ever seen someone who is free?
Are you free?
Do you want to be free?
Where is safety?
Who is your door keeper?
If someone knocks at your door, the first thing you want to know is, who is it?
Is the person a friend or foe?
The thoughts that you had yesterday, were they friends or foes?
If a thought that enters your mind is one of peace, welcome it. A true friend brings peace.
If a thought that enters your mind is one of fear, kick it out of your house. Enemies bring threats and trouble.
You are the doorkeeper of the house of your mind. You have the keys.
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
You become the thoughts that you allow to enter. Just as you become like the people that you hang around, you become like the thoughts that you allow to hang around inside of your mind.
Be an active doorkeeper. Look through the window before you open the door.
Make a decision.
Do you want this one to come inside?
Do you want the next one to come inside?
Whatever you let inside will try to put down roots and stay there.
Make decisions all day about each thought that enters your mind.
Evaluate them.
Are they friends or foes?
Do you want them to stay and put down roots?
Do you want to become just like them?
A very young child can freely laugh with joy.
What is inside of a young child?
How much would you give for a peaceful mind?
A mind at peace is a mind at rest.
A mind at peace allows its body to rest.
A mind at peace is an inner life without war.
Does meditation on the unfairness of life bring peace?
Does remembering the injustices give rest?
Where do fearful thoughts come from?
Do you choose fear as your inner home?
Do longings and desires bring joy?
Look again at a well-fed baby. Where does his peace come from?
What can you do today to gain a peaceful mind?
If fear is not your desire for your mind, what can you do to protect your mind from this invader?
If anger is not your will for your inner life, how can you be free from it?
If sadness is not the real you, how can you leave it behind?
If destructive desires have been your owner, how can you be free?
If deceiving thoughts have cheated you out of a good life and left you with many regrets, how can you banish them?
There are many paths to choose from each day.
Which thoughts have become your guides?
Have these guides been good to you?
If not, how can you exchange them for a different Guide?
Let’s close the door.
If your mind has doors that open and shut to certain thoughts, can you close the doors?
What are the doors to your mind?
How do thoughts from outside come in?
Observe a few of your thoughts that have taken up space and time in your mind.
What are they?
Where do you think they came from?
Are they disturbing your peace?
Are they trustworthy?
How can you close the door that allows them to enter?
How can you prevent them from entering again?
Are the unwanted thoughts powerful?
When you try to make them leave, do they leave?
Do you feel helpless? Are you a prisoner?
Would you like to have a powerful thought-gun that can shoot them down?
If you had a thought-gun, would you use it?
If you had a thought-gun, which thoughts would you shoot down?
If those thoughts were gone, how would you feel?
Do you still have a will? An ability to choose what you want to think about?
Can you use your will to pull the trigger of a thought gun?
Or do you like being in a boat with no oars or any way to paddle?
Is it time to take over the direction of your thoughts?
Is it time to close the doors to the sources of the unwanted thoughts?
Do you have a Friend who will let you use His Thought-gun?
Is this Friend more powerful than the sources of the unwanted thoughts?
Does His Name have authority over everything?
Does the sound of His Name make the sources of the unwanted thoughts run away?
Is His Name the thought-gun that you need?
Are you ready to try it?
Notice an unwanted feeling or thought.
Fire the Thought-Gun at it.
What happened?
Take back the oars of the boat. They belong to you. They were stolen. Take them back. Use them. You are not a prisoner. You have the keys! Use them to get out of the prison inside. JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!
You are not a slave of fear.
Fire the Gun!
You are not dominated by anger.
You can have peace.
Fire the Gun!
Are you ready to open the Door for Light to come in?
Does light make you feel better?
Does light keep you from stumbling and falling down?
Does light take away dark places?
Do you want Light instead of darkness?
Do you want Light inside of your mind?
Does peace and help with your life come from the Light?
How deep can the Light go? Will it fill every crack?
Will it be pleasant?
Will it be healing?
Will it make life worth living?
What is this Light?
Is it alive? Is it powerful?
Is it powerful enough for you and your life?
Can the Light of the World fill you with living Light?
What does it feel like to have Living Light inside of you?
Will you think differently?
Will you see more?
Will you understand more?
Will you be depressed or afraid?
Will you be a prisoner of dark desires?
Does real Light bring freedom and joy?
Do you want living Light inside?
When you are ready to exchange the inside darkness for Light, use your will to make the decision.
You have the key to open the Door of Light.
He is the Friend Who let you borrow His gun.
Ask Him to open the Door so His Light will come in.
Jesus is the Door that you want to be opened.
You already know what it’s like for doors of darkness to be opened.