Letters to Pearl

The Origin of Light and Sound

The Origin of Light

Love makes Light. Light makes color. I love color. I filled Heaven and Earth with color when I filled them with My Love-Light. There is no darkness in Heaven, so the colors here are brighter.  Remember when you were deep into depression? How did the colors of Earth look to you? You hardly noticed them. All of your surroundings seemed dull or colorless. That is because you were filled with and surrounded by darkness. Then My Love freed you from the pain and hopelessness. Now look at how bright the colors around you are. You are filled with My Love-Light which makes color intense. Enjoy My colors as you enjoy My Love and your Light-filled soul.  You and your brothers and sisters who are filled with My Presence are My Light-bearers.

The Origin of Sound

Listen to the sounds around you. All sound originates within Me. Sound is movement of air. What is air? Air originated from My Breath. As sounds are made from the movement of air, they move within My Breath. That is why they can be full of Life. Sound can inflame Life within a soul like the of blowing air onto embers kindle a flame.

There are Life-giving sounds and death-giving sounds. I allow both to flow through the air. I gave the power of the will to each person who then chooses whether Life sounds or death sounds will flow through the air.

Therefore, air is never empty. Sounds flowing through the air are like fish swimming through the seas. The water is full of life. The air is full of My Life-words when they are spoken from the mouths of My true children, or it is full of death words spoken by those who walk with the evil ones.

Multiply Life words and let them fill the air like the fish in the sea. Turn away from the words of death. Turn down their volume and frequency by avoiding media and other sources.

There is a battle for land on the Earth between human rulers. There is a battle for air space on the Earth between spirit rulers. Advance My Kingdom’s control of the air around you by stopping sources of death sounds and releasing the sounds of Life. Ask Me and I will show you how.

Remember that I gave you the gift of sacred music. Remember to listen to and give only good reports. Remember to speak only words of Love and humility. Praise and thanksgiving release Life into the air around you and dispel darkness. Fill the air with Life.

Follow the example of My birds of the air who sing to Me in abundance and in drought. To them, every day is a good day to bring sounds of Life to the Earth. Then you will see My Kingdom come into your air space and into souls.