When two people spend most of their time together in fellowship, they begin to take on each other’s character. They begin to think alike, speak alike and act alike.
How do you know if someone is really speaking for Me?
I Am Love.
Love always loves.
Love always forgives.
Love loves you.
Love heals you.
Love wants all that love made to be loved.
Love never fails to have mercy.
Love never excludes.
Love endures forever.
Love stays close.
Love is always patient and understanding.
Love gives new beginnings and a fresh start every day.
Love rescues.
Love laughs and is joyful.
Love cries with those who have pain.
Love provides.
Love builds you up.
Love does not bring guilt or shame.
Love sets free.
Love never ends.
Do those who lead you in My Name think like Me?
Do those who speak to you in My Name speak like Me?
Do those who set an example for you act like Me?
God is Love.
Jeremiah 31:3 People of Israel, I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant love.