Thoughts – Day 3
Question your mind Is your mind full of thoughts of fear? Memories of wrongs? The faults of others? Lust and sexual temptations? Self hatred? Depression and hopelessness? If so, are you making the decision to think about these things? Or are the thoughts simply coming to you, uninvited? Test your thoughts. Think about something. Deliberately choose to think about something. Anything. What you want to do today. Or what to do about dinner tonight. Anything. Stop reading and form a thought. Now, think about how it felt to decide what to think about. Remember the energy it took to think your own thoughts. Remember the decision process. Now don’t think about anything. Let your mind “go.” Release your control over your thoughts for a few minutes. Yes, you have control over your thoughts just like you have control over your hands. Relax the “muscles of control “ over your mind. Wait a minute. What thoughts entered your mind? Compare the difference between “choosing “ what to think about and opening the door for thoughts to enter your mind from an outside source. You didn’t decide anything. They just “came.” You didn’t use energy to form the thought. Now examine the thoughts that came to you. Examine the thoughts that usually come to you through out most of your days. Are they full of Light or darkness? Good or evil? Loving or accusing others? Clean and pure and innocent or sexual and tempting? Happy or depressing? Do they make you feel safe or in danger? Peaceful or stressful? Comforted or alarmed? Wanting to give to and help others or putting yourself first? Is there freedom or addiction? Now, is an outside source trying to control your mind and therefore your behavior and your words? If so, who? Why would an outside being want control over your mind? Do the thoughts that come to you effect what you choose to say to people? Do the thoughts that come to you effect your behavior? In other words, are these thoughts controlling your life-path? Are they controlling your relationships? Do you WANT these outside sources to control your mind and therefore your words and actions? Who do you want to control your mind?