Letters to Pearl


Freedom is a Process

7-31 Be patient.  Freedom is a process. We are climbing the stairway of freedom and Truth step by step. Keep following and trusting Me. Hold on to My Hand of Love for you. Patiently accept one step after another. Do not grow weary or discouraged. You are gaining more freedom from darkness with each step. Galatians 5:16  But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:24-25 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 

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Papa Does Not Make Junk

Pearl, I Am still healing you. As you follow My voice, reach out to those hurting ones I bring to  you and continue to allow Me to teach you. I Am healing you. Your spirit and soul have many layers. Your mind and body are complex. There are memories and experiences that have become embedded within you. Your complete and total healing is not an event. It is a process. Sometimes it will feel like We are back at the beginning of the process. I will put you in conversations or circumstances that will exposes only half healed wounds. I will also expose the infection of sin and wrong attitudes that prevented the complete healing of that wound. The whole process of healing each layer of your being is not only  a process of restoration but also a process of learning. You are learning how to recognize your sinful attitudes that prevent the healing of wounds. You are learning how to give the past to Me and not look back. You are learning how to cover the sins of others – even  those who hurt you terribly and in the action of covering their sin your wounds experience more healing. You are learning to have mercy on those who wronged you as you are entering into more and more intimacy with Me. You see Precious Pearl, intimacy with Me is the only way to truly set others free from your tendency to judge, condemn, and sometimes punish. The more you and I become entwined in Our Lover’s embrace the less you need anything from anyone. When you no longer have needs, you no longer look to someone else to meet those needs. In their own  brokenness they cannot fulfill your needs or meet your expectations but you do not always recognize their own neediness and weakness because you look to them to meet your expectations. Pearl, do not look to anyone but Me for anything. I mean anything.  I  will bring people to you to bless you but I will also remove them. I will bring people to  you to minister to but I will eventually remove them as well. I will use many tools to heal you, including the tool of removal. Pearl, will you let me remove anything I wish from you? Anything, Pearl? Will you trust Me when It seems like you are all alone? Will you love and appreciate our private isolation for a while? Pearl, I gave you many love-gifts when We were courting. I blessed you with surprises that you knew were from Me. I wooed you and courted you with treats and gifts that showed you how well I knew and loved you. You trusted Me enough to give Me your heart and life. Now that you are My wife, will you trust Me when I remove those gifts? You do not see My plan so you do not know what I Am doing. Will you trust Me? I Am like the waves and tides of the ocean, I often deposit treasures of various kinds on the sandy beach for you to find and delight in. But just as the tide brings treasures from the ocean depths, it also captures them and carries them back out to sea. Pearl, will you give Me the freedom to bring and carry away treasures to you at My will? Each  experience will be a part of the processes of healing and teaching you, Precious Pearl. Will you use your free will to give Me carte blanche – perfect freedom- do just as I wish with your life? Some treasures I bring to you will delight and heal you. Pearl, you may  become very attached to these treasures. Will you release them to My waves, Pearl? Trust Me. Give Me the freedom of the ocean tides. The more you relax and trust Me, the more the waves of My love will flow in and around you. You will feel the waves of My love in My presence as well as in the way I conduct your life. Now Pearl, remember that some treasures from the ocean do not look useful or valuable at first. Sometimes I bring rough driftwood to you but it is a treasure nonetheless. All rough driftwood needs is someone who knows that Papa does not make junk.  With an attitude of love, humility, faith and a willingness to serve, Pearl, you can help Me turn  rough driftwood into a work of art. The hidden secret about this process is that as you accept the rough driftwood as a treasure or gift from My Hand then you will be able to  see Papa’s hidden beauty in the treasure. Your attitude will change as you have mercy toward those who are rough. You will then become a tool in My Hand for sculpting beautiful artwork out of that piece of driftwood. When the work is finished you will be astonished to see that not only is the driftwood beautiful but you are also healed from some of your previously infected wounds. As you allow Me the freedom to minister  through you and in you, you will be healed. Pearl, I will bring you treasures. Hold them, allow them to bless you, minister to them for Me, and then allow Me to remove them according to My Plan. You are My bride and My wife. You and I are to share an intimacy that no one else shares. No one is to be allowed to come into Our Secret Garden except Us. Allow Me the freedom, Dear Pearl, to guard the gates of your heart from all intruders. Minister only to those I bring and then like baby birds who are now ready to fly, let them go. The ‘letting go’ attitude on your part is what I will use to bring even more healing to you. Live so close to Me that you are just as happy to wave ‘goodbye’ to the birds as

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