Like waiting for Christmas Day

When you have a desire, do not beg and plead and expend emotional energy before Me. Be like the good and trusting child, who, waiting for Christmas Day, asks his father each morning if today is the day. Upon being told, “Not yet, but soon,” the child peacefully and confidently continues about his day and waits for the soon-coming Christmas. Ask and you will receive when you and Holy Spirit both ask together. Do not beg and plead. It is like fretting. It only causes harm. Wait in patient quietness. Ask Holy Spirit to help. Be in Our peace at all times. Be still and know I Am God. Prayer is a peaceful conversation with Me. Luke 11:1 “Lord, teach us to pray…” Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened . . . John 14:26 The Comforter, Who is the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance that I have said to you.

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