Mother, You willingly suffered for your children when you carried them in your womb. You deemed them worthy when you gladly gave up sleep to take care of them when they were helpless. You sacrificed your strength and desires as they needed your help. Mother of a precious life, don’t stop now. Your child is still worthy of sacrifice. Fast. Pray. Believe. Hope. Endure. Give of yourself even to the very end. The soul I gave into your care is worth it. Nothing has changed. The only difference between this soul as a baby and this soul now is the flesh is now exposed. But, isn’t your flesh exposed now also? Don’t stop the flow of Love. Love is the source of Life. Give Love, even when it hurts, just as you did before. Love always wins. Ezra 8:23 So we fasted and prayed to our God for this, and he responded to us.