
Sometimes darkness will attack us in our dreams. We all have experienced nightmares and terrors. We have experienced even direct attacks from demons paralyzing us as we sleep. We know we are to use the Name of Jesus like a gun against those demons. Yes, there can be attacks of fear, but there can be other, subtle or tricky attacks as well.  Purity is important to me. The pure in heart see God. That means those who are clean in every area get to come close to Father and have even more relationship with Him. I want this with all my heart! So I want to be clean and pure. I want all my thoughts and words and feelings to be clean. I want to fight against all impurities that try to come inside me. I’m motivated to be pure because I crave closeness with the Trinity. I want to be so close that I’m in constant contact and enjoy constant fellowship with God. I’m not trying to be better than others. I just in love with Jesus. I desperately need my Father and His love. I really want Holy Spirit to fill me at all times. The closer I get to them, the I see more impurities and want to get them away from me. Satan hates the light of God in us. He wants to splash mud on our lamps. So, he attacks. We can be attacked in a dream in which we are in a sinning situation like a sexual dream. We are vulnerable to these attacks if we have sinned sexually in our past. We can be attacked in dreams that remind us of injustice and unfairness to make us angry. We can be attacked with dreams that symbolize our current difficulties and seek to open the door of our hearts to self pity. We all have vulnerable areas in our life. Old soul wounds are often places where the enemy likes to attack us in our thoughts and dreams. Darkness also likes to attack us with our past. For example, if a man used to be involved with alcohol or drugs and is now set free and living a life of purity and has love for others, he can be attacked with dreams of doing what he used to do. He can have dreams of old friends and actually drinking and feeling the feelings of being drunk or high. Darkness can use these dreams to make us feel guilty or afraid that we have disappointed God. It can also tempt us or even open soul doors to give a place for demons to enter. We must be on our guard while we are awake and while we are asleep. Darkness looks for Opportunities to take control. It will use whatever door we open. For example, our eyes are doors. If we look at something that is of darkness then we open the door to our inner being for that darkness to enter. Matthew 5:28 However, I say to you, if you look with lust in your eyes at a woman who is not your wife, you’ve already committed adultery in your heart. Our ears are also doors. If we listen to gossip and are curious about other people’s sins or business then we open a door to our inner being for darkness to enter. If we listen to music filled with darkness then we make ourselves vulnerable again. Proverbs 17:4 Those eager to embrace evil listen to slander, for a liar loves to listen to lies. It’s like being on a diet to lose weight or to get physically healthy. We stop eating sugar and desserts and food that is high in carbohydrates. We guard our bodies against foods that bring sickness and too much weight. But there will always be temptation through a weakness. In order to be an over-comer and win against the dangerous foods, we have to make a decision BEFORE the attack comes to recognize it as soon as it begins and then fight against it. We have been given authority and the powerful Name of Jesus. Just like with attacks and temptations while we are awake, we must be aware of attacks when we sleep. Our spirit is separate from our emotions and our body. Our spirit can still be on guard against attacks. We have to ask the Spirit of God to help us take control of our dreams. The best way to begin is to take more control of our minds, emotions and bodies while we are awake. If we don’t take control over attacks while we are awake, we will definitely not be able to take control while our bodies are asleep. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. Ephesians 4:26-27  But don’t let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don’t let anger control you or be fuel for revenge, not for even a day. Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you! Don’t let the enemy get a foothold! Stop every negative feeling as soon as it begins.  Recognize that even the most sneaky feelings that seem like they should be there are actually demonic. Self pity is a very sneaky feeling that is demonic. It feels appropriate but it is not from God. It actually makes pain worse. It makes us focus on our wounds and also on the faults of others. Curiosity is another sneaky one. Being curious about the lives and happenings of others instead of minding our own business is demonic. Daydreaming about what we desire is another sneaky one. It takes our mind off of the Spirit and puts it on our own wants. It makes us not be able to see in the physical as well as the

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