You are talked about, My beloved. I talk about you to Our Father and Holy Spirit constantly. We all Three speak of you.
We do not discuss your past, because it no longer exists.
We do not talk about your faults. They are covered by My Blood.
We only discuss your beauty and your needs.
Each time you lift up your spirit to Us We rejoice Together about your existence and desire for Us.
We have many plans for you and they are beyond good. We are excited about them.
We notice the progress you are making every day. We celebrate each step you take toward Us and Our Kingdom.
We weep when you weep, and mourn with you when you mourn.
We talk about Our passionate Love for you and how much We desire you.
We speak about waiting for you.
We know what help you need and We are there.
We discuss Our compassion for you and what a treasure you are to Us.
We see the Light of Our Life within you and point to it among Ourselves. We jump for joy as it grows when you desire Us.
Each thought you have toward Us sparks conversation between Us about you and Our Love for you.
So you see, My precious one, you are talked about every day. You are Our favorite topic of conversation.
We cannot say enough about you and how much We Love you and how proud We are of you. That’s right, My dear, We are more proud of you than you are capable of understanding. We are your Family. We are proud of you. We are talking about you right now. We Love you. Be happy.