Wait on Me. Always wait.
Wait for My Presence.
Wait for My Words.
- Wait for the end of each tunnel, trial and alter time to come to an end.
Wait before speaking.
Wait before planning.
Wait before assuming.
- Wait.
Waiting prevents judgement in your mind of others.
Waiting prevents fear and doubt.
- Waiting prevents anxiety which is a combination of fear and impatience.
Waiting grows faith.
- Waiting cultivates submission.
Waiting develops your focus on Me.
- Waiting squashes emotions.
Waiting gives you eternal perspective.
- Waiting draws you closer to Me. So dig deeper into Me through waiting on Me.
When you wait for a bus or train, you constantly listen and look in the direction they will be coming from. Do this.
- I’m here within your temple.
I Am here.
- Wait.
Peace comes as you quietly wait.
I Love you.
- Psalm 27:14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
- Ezekiel 7:1a The word of the Lord came to me . . .