Letters to Pearl

Two Questions

1. Why do I hide my great Love from those of who are still living on the earth? Why doesn’t everyone experience My desire for you?

2. Why don’t I do all My work Myself? Why don’t I heal, change things around, help and deliver you just by Myself, here, in a manifested Presence way instead of sort of second-hand way, through people?


Both of the answers to these two questions have to do with a precious gift that I gave to all people…the gift of the freedom to choose what they think, what they do, what they say, and what they desire.

If I were to reveal the unending, all-consuming passionate Love that I have for My people in a way that they experience it, they would lose all of their freedom to choose the things of the earth. My Love would pull them away from everything else and they would desire only My Love. My great Love is a powerful force that pulls all of My people into My Arms, like a loving parent who picks up His child and hugs him. When I hold You in that way, you lose all ability to turn away from Me. All desire for the things of the flesh melts away and your desire turns to Me alone. You can no longer choose to eat the fruit of evil.

I will not reveal My passionate Love to all of My children who are on the earth so that they can choose to separate themselves from me or they can choose to be close to Me. When they choose to be close to Me while still on earth, I reveal My great Love to them little by little.

The answer to the second question is similar. If I were to move upon the earth in a visible manifestation of My Presence, healing people, helping people, delivering people, then no one would be able to deny Me. No one would be able to resist Me. No one would be able to ignore Me. My people would no longer have the freedom to follow down the path of selfishness and pride. But, if I do My work of helping, healing, blessing and delivering My people through the mouth, hands and feet of those who have given themselves to Me, then everyone will still maintain their ability to choose between good and evil.

As long as I hide My glory and Light – My Presence – inside the hearts of My friends, then those who don’t want Me are free to continue their lives without a close relationship with Me. When I work My loving miracles through My servants, those who desire to harden their hearts against Me can still do so. If I speak My Words of forgiveness and Love through the mouths of My obedient children, then those who want to be skeptical can still do so.
But if I did My work alone, through My visible Presence on the earth, no one would be able to harden their hearts against Me. The gift of the freedom to choose between good and evil would be taken away. This I will not do until the time for each life on earth has ended.

Precious to Me are the ones who have given their bodies and hearts to Me and allowed Me to bless My children through them. Great will be their reward.  I will not take your will from you but, if you choose to give your will over to Me, then I will replace it with My will. Your will belongs to you. It is a gift from Me to you. You have the freedom to give it back to Me and receive My will instead. When you desire the greater gift of My will instead of yours, We move mountains together.

For those who spend their days on earth suffering, I mercifully end their lives and heal them and put them in a special place in Heaven. Everything and everyone has a purpose for their earth-time. Those who suffered have the purpose of providing the opportunity for those who have resources to choose to give and serve. How can a restaurant server practice serving if there are no customers? How can a nurse practice caring for the sick if there are no sick? How can a person with food and money practice helping the needy if there are no needy?

Those with resources are here to learn about themselves and have their opportunity to love. The needy provide that opportunity. Both go Home and receive their reward. Those who were practicing servants receive their reward. Those who clearly had the opportunity to be selfless and did not let go of self do not get a special reward. They do, however, get Wisdom. Wisdom is one thing we all will end up with because of our time exercising our free will on earth.