Symptoms of Demonic Possession:
- Nightmares Anger more than once a week
- Blaming others more than once a week
- Fear more than once a week
- Depression
- Hatred Hatred Hatred (big sign).
- Heaviness feeling
- Memory lapses (demons get you to say and do things and others know but you don’t remember).
- Sense of dread
- Can’t pray
- Resentment towards people
- Constantly thinking about wrongs
- No peace
- No joy
- No hope for the future
- Death words come out of your mouth towards others like bullets
- Usually insomnia
- Nervousness Sicknesses (demons always work on killing their host).
- Lots of daydreaming
- Want money
- Want pleasures
- Have uncontrollable urges (the urges range from sexual to self harm to stealing to eating.
- May have many or just one, but they all are overwhelming urges).
- Addictions but you don’t necessarily call them addictions
- You justify your actions
- Lying Lying Lying
- Attracted to dark things
- Attracted to death and a culture of death
- Suicide thoughts
- Cursing
- Desire for power and control over others
- Domination and manipulation over others but you don’t see it.
- Self-justified bully.
- Demons hide.
- They give their host reasons and excuses and justification for what they feel and do.
- When they speak to people it sounds like your own thoughts in your own voice.
- Sounds familiar most of the time.
- They constantly blame others in the mind of the host.
- They make their host do harmful and hurtful things to people near their host that seem to the host as if it’s in his/her best interest but it damages everything.
- Demons lie and deceive the host every day.
- Their assignment is to steal, kill and destroy even the ones the host loves.
- Demons change reality for their host.
- They live in an unreal world in their minds.
- This is difficult for the host to detect but others see it.
- Just two of these symptoms indicates possession.
- Don’t necessarily have to have all. If more than two symptoms then many demons.
- Demons can make their host feel them.
- It’s two feelings.
- One is a hardness of heart feeling. Hard and cold towards people.
- The other is a slight vibrating feeling inside that feels like anxiety.
Here is a simple diagnostic test to see if you have demons living inside of you.
- Hold up your hands in the air and say these words, “God, help me!” If you feel a strange buzzing inside of you or you feel literally unable to move or speak, then the test results are positive for demons inside and controlling you like a puppet. As long as demons remain in you, they will continue to bring pain (that you, yourself aren’t aware of). to others. That’s always their plan.
They find a host, and begin a threefold plan:
1. Destroy the life of the host. This means: Destroy their ability to have a good life and family and career AND destroy their health until they finally painfully murder them.
2. Destroy the lives of everyone close to them. They use the host by twisting their thoughts and giving them urges to do and say damaging things.
3. Spread to others. They use their host to spread themselves to the people their host has close contact with. Unless the people around the host know how to resist and defend themselves, they also will be infected by duplicate demons. Children near the host are especially vulnerable. Even the physical homes become infected.
The demons will do everything they can to prevent you from meeting with those who will rob them of their home (Cast them out).
- See their tactics and be prepared.
- They are parasites. They feed on their host…literally eating them alive.
- They don’t want to lose their host. They feed on the pain and suffering of their host.
- The more anger, pain and depression, the more food they have.
What’s the difference between your flesh and demons? If these are the result of your flesh, then you can repent and call out to God for forgiveness. If these are the result of demons, then you are held a prisoner.
- You slowly lose your free will -your ability to choose to repent and leave the darkness.
- You become immobile.
- Stuck.
- Feel like there’s no hope.
- Very stubborn.
- Hard-hearted.