Letters to Pearl


Remember that every time you give and humbly serve others, you are giving and humbly serving Me. Those who serve Me on Earth will be My servants in My Kingdom. Those who serve Me on Earth will be the greatest in My kingdom.

There is no greater Love than when a man gives up his life – his desires, his needs, his plans, his opinions, his religion, his culture, his friends, his family, his money, his career, his security, his health, his dreams, his stability, his happiness, his rights, and his reputation for Me. This is what makes a man My servant.

  • Servanthood is a privilege in My Kingdom.
  • The lowliest servant is he who loves Me the most.
  • The most focused servant is he who is the most loyal.
  • The most enduring and longsuffering servant is he who has the greatest faith in Me.

Why is a servant among the greatest in My Kingdom? Because My servant is an extension of Me. To be My servant is to be My Hand, My Arm, My Mouth, and My feet. These are parts of My Body. To be a part of My Body, you must first belong completely to Me. Then you must care the most about My Heart. Each member of a person’s body ultimately works for the heart. Therefore, members of My Body seek after My own Heart. My Heart is My Will. My Will is My desire. My true servants want what I want, above all. They focus on My desire. My Will is their obsession.

Those who are willing to go through the fires of suffering are purified in the heat. They do not avoid their cross. They follow My Son by laying down on each cross I bring to them. Every time they lay down to be nailed to a cross, their flesh dies and they become more pure. These are the servants of God.

Only the pure in heart can see God. Only those who are willing to be nailed to the cross of suffering are worthy to be My servants. Only those who are purified through the fire of voluntary suffering for My sake are able to be My Arm, My Hand, My Mouth and My Feet. Only those who want Me enough to suffer will be My True friend.

What makes My servant’s work different from the workers of the world?

  • Both are occupied and consumed with investing themselves. Both suffer. Both know hardship.
  • The difference is where their loyalty lies. My servant has a heart that is lowly and submissive to Me and My Will.
  • My servant works for Me alone at his own expense.
  • My servant works without demanding to know why.
  • My servant is consumed with My Love and My purpose.
  • My servant serves others as he unites his heart to Mine.
  • Therefore, the cost of pain and weariness is nothing to him. He knows the prize is more of Me, so he never burns out.
  • The worker of the world works for himself. He seeks his own dreams and becomes a slave to them. He suffers loss that burns his soul with more darkness.
  • The more he works for himself, the more he becomes a slave.

My servants, who serve Me alone, do not view their circumstances or their work in the same way as those who are workers of the world.

They know that not one minute of their labor is wasted. Not one second of their suffering is in vain.

No, rather, each day that they remain on the Earth, doing large and small tasks, My Kingdom comes into the lives and hearts of those around them.

The faithful sacrifices of My servants are the vessels through which the Blood of My Son flows and brings deliverance to My people. Their Love for Me, displayed through their service, is the wind of Holy Spirit which penetrates even the hardest of hearts.

  • As My servants work for Me, they become purified deep within their being.
  • Purity is like the lightest of gas. It floats upward. As My servants work and suffer, their spirits soar higher and higher.
  • My servants know and agree with My Will more and more as they work for Me. The purity of their hearts lifts them up to My own heart. Their agreement with My Will unites them with Me.
  • As yet agree with My Will, they become united with Me through the bonds of Love. This is the highest state of being.

Union with Me is how the most humble servants become the greatest of all.

Those who never served Me on Earth do not know this union with Me. They did not become One with Me and share My heart. They were not My Hands, My Arms, My Mouth, or My Feet. Therefore, in My Kingdom they do not live as My servants.

To be My servant is the highest of states. My servants become united to Me in Heaven, just as they were united to Me as members of My own Body on Earth.

  • There is a secret that only My servants know. Those who serve themselves and the world do so with their own talents and resources. Those resources are never enough. The flesh and the world always demand more.
  • My servants never work alone. They never run low on resources. They never suffer without hope and comfort. They are always with Me. I Am always present with them.
  • They are not afraid because they are not without their Real Family. My Presence is always with them. I fill My servant’s spirit with peace and Truth. They are sustained by Me, so they do not grow weary in well doing.