Expressing your self is like coughing and sneezing your virus germs onto those around you.
- The freedom of self-expression always makes others sick.
If a sewer pipe is leaking sewage, everyone wants it to be repaired right away.- To be silent is to stop the expressing or spilling out of sewage of sinful flesh.
- To be silent is to stop the spread of deadly germs of discontent, anger, unforgiveness, and fear.
- To be silent is to honor and stand in awe of the Holy God of Power and Might.
- To be silent is to remove most of the bullets demons use to steal, kill, and destroy.
True silence speaks louder than all words because it comes from Truth deep within your spirit.
True silence spreads peace, calmness, and faith.
- True silence is serenity.
- True silence comes from feeding on True Love. When you feed on My Love, you do not need to gratify your self through expression or talking. Your spirit will have all it needs.
- True silence is everlasting. Expressions from the flesh are like bombs that burst. They are a temporary explosion that causes great damage.
- There is no such thing as benign expression. Your words are filled with darkness or Light.
- To withhold speech that is not in obedience to My Will is to hold back the army of the evil one.
- True silence includes speaking words of Love as I give them to you. Therefore, true silence includes listening to Me at all times.
True silence speaks only the Words I give. Yes, you can do this. Begin by using your desire to choose Me and My ways.
- When someone witnesses a traumatic event of pain or an unthinkable act of perfect Love, they are left speechless. Words seem out of place or are useless.
- Every day, put the picture of My Son, in intense suffering, as every demon and Satan himself threw every sin and all the pain that ever existed and ever will exist onto Him. As you watch the horror of His suffering, and realize the depth of His Love for you,let the shock of it bring you into a Holy and Sacred Silence.
- Every day place yourself before My great throne, which is above all. See My great Light. Feel the power of True Love that created Heaven and Earth. See the purity of cleanness and Truth. Experience the fire of My Presence. Feel the earthquakes of My powerful Will. Be in such shock and awe before Me that words fail you. All speech is gone. Retain that Sacred Silence all day.
- I created speech. I made your language. I determined to give you the freedom to use it as you wish. Now look into your heart. How have you been using your gift from Me?
- My True followers follow Me into Sacred Silence. They speak only as I give them utterance. They listen to Me first. They either repeat what I show them or they remain silent while I work by speaking to those around them.
- Silence that is based in obedience and worship is sacred and holy. It is Sacred Silence.
- Sacred Silence is a separator. It separates you from the world around you.
- Sacred Silence is a protective shield around you.
Sacred Silence is a womb in which you will be nourished by remaining connected to Me.
Sacred Silence is a place of serenity.
- Sacred Silence is a shield of faith that protects you and keeps you out of the way, so I can work.
- Sacred Silence builds patience and endurance within your spirit.
Sacred Silence sets you apart. Others will know Me through your Sacred Silence.
- Sacred Silence preserves My deep intimacy with you.
- Come into the deep water of Sacred Silence with Me. I want to immerse you into My Love.
Take the vow of Sacred Silence with Me. I will teach you how to end idle talk. I will help you break the habit or bondage of speaking from your flesh.
- I Love you. Enter into My Presence through Sacred Silence.
Expressing your self is like coughing and sneezing your virus germs onto those around you.
- The freedom of self-expression always makes others sick.
- If a sewer pipe is leaking sewage, everyone wants it to be repaired right away.
- To be silent is to stop the expressing or spilling out of sewage of sinful flesh.
- To be silent is to stop the spread of deadly germs of discontent, anger, unforgiveness, and fear.
- To be silent is to honor and stand in awe of the Holy God of Power and Might.
- To be silent is to remove most of the bullets demons use to steal, kill, and destroy.
True silence speaks louder than all words because it comes from Truth deep within your spirit.
True silence spreads peace, calmness, and faith.
- True silence is serenity.
- True silence comes from feeding on True Love. When you feed on My Love, you do not need to gratify your self through expression or talking. Your spirit will have all it needs.
- True silence is everlasting. Expressions from the flesh are like bombs that burst. They are a temporary explosion that causes great damage.
- There is no such thing as benign expression. Your words are filled with darkness or Light.
- To withhold speech that is not in obedience to My Will is to hold back the army of the evil one.
True silence speaks only the Words I give. Yes, you can do this. Begin by using your desire to choose Me and My ways.
- When someone witnesses a traumatic event of pain or an unthinkable act of perfect Love, they are left speechless. Words seem out of place or are useless. Every day, put the picture of My Son, in intense suffering, as every demon and Satan himself threw every sin and all the pain that ever existed and ever will exist onto Him. As you watch the horror of His suffering, and realize the depth of His Love for you,let the shock of it bring you into a Holy and Sacred Silence.
- Every day place yourself before My great throne, which is above all. See My great Light. Feel the power of True Love that created Heaven and Earth. See the purity of cleanness and Truth. Experience the fire of My Presence. Feel the earthquakes of My powerful Will. Be in such shock and awe before Me that words fail you. All speech is gone. Retain that Sacred Silence all day.
- I created speech. I made your language. I determined to give you the freedom to use it as you wish. Now look into your heart. How have you been using your gift from Me?
- My True followers follow Me into Sacred Silence. They speak only as I give them utterance. They listen to Me first. They either repeat what I show them or they remain silent while I work by speaking to those around them.
- Silence that is based in obedience and worship is sacred and holy. It is Sacred Silence.
- Sacred Silence is a separator. It separates you from the world around you.
- Sacred Silence is a protective shield around you.
Sacred Silence is a womb in which you will be nourished by remaining connected to Me.
- Sacred Silence is a place of serenity.
- Sacred Silence is a shield of faith that protects you and keeps you out of the way, so I can work.
- Sacred Silence builds patience and endurance within your spirit.
- Sacred Silence sets you apart. Others will know Me through your Sacred Silence.
- Sacred Silence preserves My deep intimacy with you.
- Come into the deep water of Sacred Silence with Me. I want to immerse you into My Love.
- Take the vow of Sacred Silence with Me. I will teach you how to end idle talk. I will help you break the habit or bondage of speaking from your flesh.
I Love you. Enter into My Presence through Sacred Silence.