Perfect rest and stillness of soul takes practice for those who are used to a life in the exterior world.
- The world tells you that you are in a great competition and you must swim hard or sink.
From your childhood you have been taught that stillness and rest are counterproductive. Therefore you have lost a great gift from Me.
- I now want you to regain your gift.
- Be still deep within your spirit.
Do not let anything rouse you.
- Refrain from activities that rob stillness within you.
Serve others and fulfill your duties in peace. Then spend longer amounts of time with Me in stillness and inner rest.
- Relax. Breathe and let go.
Sink below the surface of your inner being and be with Me.
- Lay still within your spirit like a submarine lying still on the ocean floor and not participating in the turmoil on the surface.
This takes practice and desire to be with Me, the Lover of your soul.
- I Love you enough to wait for this peaceful intimacy with you.
Do you desire Me enough to sink into deep stillness and rest with Me?
- This is the place of receiving My Words.
This is the place of experiencing Me.
- This is our place of intimacy.
Come away with me, My Bride! I Love you. Jesus
- Hebrews 4:3 Now we who have believed enter into that rest
- Hebrews 4:10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.
- Hebrews 4:11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest
- Luke 17:21 the kingdom of God is within you
- Psalm 46:10 Be still and know I am God