There was a young lady who fell in Love with her bridegroom. He spoke tenderly to her each day. His strength and faithfulness won her heart.
He asked her to follow Him as He traveled through a wilderness to His Kingdom. As they passed a rough area, she received wounds from the rocks and thorns. Her clothes were torn and her shoes were lost.
They came near a town that had towers of books and people busily writing more books. The young lady turned aside to see what the people were writing. As she stopped walking, she saw herself in the reflection of the eyes of the people. She saw her torn clothes and her wounds. The memories of the pain of the wilderness came to her. Her heart was filled with heaviness.
She asked the people what they were writing. They all replied,”We are writing our cases to present to the judges. We are recording every piece of evidence that explains and justifies why we are wounded, and why we are waiting for the judge to execute justice for us. We see that you have been assaulted. Have you filed your case? Where is your evidence that justifies what you are doing about it?”
Upon hearing this and noticing her wounds, the young lady immediately sat down and began to write.
One day she looked up from her justifications to find her Groom. She could not see where He was. She left her case of justification and ran to the road where she had left Him. Crying, she sat down upon a large rock and waited for His return.