There was once a young slave girl who lived in the land. She was born into a family of slaves.
This family had many owners. The more they tried to please and obey their owners, the more the owners loaned them to other masters. These masters were eager to use this family and their daughter for their evil purposes. Each day, the slave girl was made to do terrible things. She was constantly threatened with fearful consequences if she didn’t do exactly as her evil masters said.
She followed them obediently. She learned their ways perfectly and copied them. She learned their words of violence and deception and spoke them. Her masters were pleased that she was not only their slave but now she was just like them. The slave girl had given her very soul over to them because she thought it was the only way to survive in the cold, harsh world.
One day, as the slave girl was doing what she was told, she woke up to find herself beating a small child. The whip in her hand was lashing her little back and legs. Her blood splattered all over her dress. As the slave girl was beating her, she turned her head and saw a Man in White standing beside her. He was looking at her with pure Love in His eyes. His beautiful Light made her blink. When she looked back at the little girl, she saw the little girl’s face looking up at her in tears. The face was her own! She looked at the girl’s bloody legs. There were chains that were tied to her own ankles.
The Man in White came close. He picked up the little girl, bloodied and wet with tears, and held her close. As He held her, He healed her pain. He then looked at the slave girl and said, “Here. You lost something very valuable . . . your soul. I️ Am giving her back to you.” He then held the little girl close to the slave girl. The little girl dissolved into a bright ball of Light and it flew right inside of the slave girl’s chest.
The slave girl dropped the whip and began to cry. As she saw her own legs, bloodied and in chains, she cried, “Take them off! Please, take these chains off!” The chains melted as the Man in White smiled His Love right into her mind and soul. He lifted her and held her in His Arms.
“What happened to me?” She asked as she buried her face in her hands. “You were born into a family of slaves. They gave you to their owners, according to the law of the land. You then were required to be a slave. As you grew into deeper slavery, you acquired more cruel masters who took over your will and your life. You became just like them. They hated your soul, which was never meant to be a slave. They beat your soul and taught you to do the same. Now you and your soul are set free. Never follow your old masters again or they will put their chains back on you.” “Then what shall I️ do? I️ don’t know how to be anything but a slave. I️ only know what the masters taught me.”
The Man in White kissed her and said, “Come be My daughter. No one who stays in My House will ever be taken as a slave again. Come Home with Me and be free. I️ will teach you the ways of Freedom. With Me, you will be free to Love again. She looked down at the chains hanging from her legs. “What about these?” “Give Me permission to attach them to My Heart. If you give Me ownership of your soul, then the evil ones can never make you a slave again. “ She hugged Him and said, “Yes! I️ want you to be my Master. Please take me to your House.” Serving you will be a pleasure!”
The Man in White wrapped the Free girl up in a blanket of Love and wrote His Name on her forehead. Darkness was never able to make made her a slave again.
- Romans 6:16 Do you not know that when you give yourself as a servant to be owned by someone, that one becomes your owner? If you give yourself to sin, the end is death. If you give yourself to God, the end is being right with Him.
- John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
- John 8:34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
- Romans 6:18 18 You were made free from the power of sin. Being right with God has power over you now.