Letters to Pearl

Love and Mercy

Just as I gave to you, now you freely give the same to others. I did not come to notice your faults and analyze your sins. I did not come to remind you of your failures or put them on display. I came to cover and heal you with Love. Now you go and do the same – and as you do this in remembrance of Me, you also will be changed.

As you see those around you, ask Me to give you a heart that is filled with Love. Ask Me to give you eyes that see with Mercy.

  • Love and Mercy do not see faults.
  • They see needs.
  • Love and Mercy do not see sin.
  • They see pain.
  • Love and Mercy do not see foolishness.
  • They see brokenness and malnourishment.
  • Love and Mercy do not judge, analyze, compare, parade, or complain.
  • Love and Mercy see need and rush to give, serve and bless.
  • To point to sin is to curse the sick one with condemnation.
  • To forgive and wash the sin off the face of the earth is to restore blessing.
  • Those who bless instead of curse are themselves blessed.

I did not come into the world to condemn people, but to save them through the hard work of self-sacrificing Love.

So do not compare or condemn. The sick need a doctor, so I sent you. Be a doctor, not an executioner. Love and wiping the past away heal broken people. I freely gave you Love and wiped your sins away. Now go and do likewise. Comfort My people.

Do this every day, in remembrance of Me.