I Am your Father. As your Father I am responsible for you and your well-being. I can take care of my children as long as they allow Me to take care of them. They all have the freedom to leave My Presence.
Let’s look at the term, “well being.” My definition is not the same as yours. Well-being does not mean happiness or a pain free life. What it does mean is ever-progressing holiness and closeness to Me. I may take you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death but it will ultimately be for your well-being. “Are you willing to trust Me that much? Remember that the Valley will be traveled one step at a time. You will not have to cross it all at once. I will be with you. Endurance and patience can only be yours after long periods of waiting and walking through the valley. All will not be pain- I will refresh you with My Presence and fill you with My Peace. My strength will come with your obedience. You will be safer in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, while My Presence is surrounding and filling you, than you would be if you chose to run from pain, suffering and dark places.
Even if, “. . . you make your bed in hell . . .” I Am there, covering and protecting you. You will be safer there than if you followed your feelings and tried to protect yourself or run away from the difficulty. Your protection is in My Presence. Your joy is in obedience. Remain where I put you. Forgive. Love. Serve. Show mercy. Show kindness. Draw strength from Me alone. Then you will receive your inheritance as My child. The Valley of the Shadow of Death may be long but it will end.