Letters to Pearl


  • Do you have a hard time breathing?
  • Does it feel like no matter what you do, you can’t get enough air?
  • The first thing a baby does when she is born is breathe. Without breath we die. Without clean air, we suffocate.

If we take something in that is dangerous for us, we choke…we drown…we suffocate….

we have a panic reaction…. we go into shock…. and if we aren’t rescued, we sink fast.

Then we cry out   God Help Me!

  • Father is here. He knows the pollution we have been taking inside our hearts and bodies.
  • He knows what we have done. He’s here.
  • He’s waiting to breathe His breath into you and take all that pressure away.

Papa gave you life.

  • He made you breathe when you were born.
  • He’ll breathe His air of Love back into you again.
  • He’ll stop that drowning feeling.
  • He’ll stop that panic feeling.
  • He’ll stop that suffocating feeling.

Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit will perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on you …. for REAL. They put your breath in at the beginning. They will do it again. This time, you will breathe Their clean air. It will stop the panic and depression.

SOOOO, a very old secret meditation that is over a thousand years old:

Breathe. Be still and quiet. Close your eyes or stare at a spot somewhere. Calmly inhale. Slowly exhale.

Now, Papa and Jesus are here. Their Love is in the air. Their peace and forgiveness are in the air. They are really here.

  • So, deliberately inhale Love.Exhale fear.
  • Again, this time slowly. Inhale Papa’s Love for you. Exhale fear.
  • Do it 3 times. He’s here. He’s breathing Love into you.
  • Now, inhale forgiveness. Do this slowly. Jesus will fill your lungs with His Love. Exhale the past. Now the past is gone.
  • Inhale peace from Holy Spirit. Exhale painful things. Holy Spirit’s air is so calming.
  • Do it again and again. Inhale peace slowly. Exhale problems.
  • Give each problem up to God like your carbon dioxide floats away.
  • Now, God is here with you. Slowly breathe in His peaceful, powerful Presence. Exhale all darkness that you don’t want inside you anymore.
  • Do this over and over SLOWLY.

If you cry, it’s OK. Just stop crying and keep going.

  • Breathe in the Breath of Life over and over again.

Do this every day without ever forgetting. You can do it anywhere – it’s an ancient secret. It’s private. No one will know. It’s just between you and the One Who Loves you and gave you your first breath. He will clean out your spirit and put Himself back in.

  • God is Love.
  • His air is Love.
  • His breath is freedom.
  • His Love will hold you like a huge hug on the inside.
  • For REAL. Breathe Him in.
  • Exhale the old life.
  • Breathe in your Real Father.
  • Exhale the anger and disappointments.
  • Inhale His healing and Love.
  • Exhale the hard times in your memories.
  • Let go. Relax and BREATHE!  Now inhale His Life and Breath. Keep inhaling Him!

Jesus suffocated to death for us so that we can have His breath and be resuscitated and feel like living again.

  • Genesis 2:7: Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
  • Ezekiel 37:14 I will put breath in you, and you will come to life.
  • Ezekiel 37:9 ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’”
  • Luke 23:46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.

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