Letters to Pearl

Fires of Adversity – How to take the heat.

When you are in the fire,

1. Keep moving forward. Never sit down and think about the fire, who caused it, how wrong it is, and all that you are losing. Keep moving forward and you will not be burned.

2. Stay in the present. All fires come to an end. They burn out. Don’t believe the lie that a fire will continue forever. Don’t predict the future. Keep your mind on Me in the here and now – today.

3. Listen to My Voice. I know what to do in fires. Listen to me telling you to stay calm, quiet and patient. Listen to me telling you to humbly forgive knowing you have committed arson against others also.

4. The smoke makes you seek air to breathe. I Am your breath. Spend more time breathing Me in. I Love you! I Am here. I will help you to breathe. Calmly inhale My Love. Remember, CALMLY inhale My Love.

5. Don’t talk much in the fire. Fires spread easily. Flames of sin spread when you pull others in by talking. Be quiet. Don’t spread fire. Let me change hearts. Get your comfort and understanding from Me. Talking isn’t necessary in a fire. Listening to Me is.

6. When you are in the fire and you see destruction, remember that this isn’t your permanent Home. All is not lost. You only have a short time on earth. You will leave behind your earth life so let it go in your heart now. Naked you came into the world. Naked is the best way to leave.

7. Let’s renew Our vows. I want to be your first and only all-consuming Love. When I Am everything to you then nothing of value can be taken away from you.

No matter how many fires you go through, you will never lose Me. My Love for you is real and permanent. I won’t let go of you. Focus on Me always. I Am here. Focus on My Presence within you. Then the fiery trials will not destroy Us, they will forge and weld us together!

  • Zechariah 13:9
    And I will bring the third part through the fire,
    Refine them as silver is refined,
    And test them as gold is tested.
    They will call on My name,
    And I will listen and answer them;
    I will say, ‘They are My people,’
    And they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’