Letters to Pearl

Like a Warhorse

Do not assume anything. Will you allow Me to blindfold you and then lead you one day at a time? Will you lean on Me and not your understanding about what I Am doing? Will you stop filling in the gaps of missing information by assuming? Just trust Me to lead you and accept the blindfold.

Blinders were used to keep warhorses from fear. The horses learned to trust the guidance of their master, rather than their eyes. The horses did not predict or assume. The blinders kept them from fear and pride. The humbled, dependent horses could walk through anything because they were limited in sight. Therefore, they grew in dependence.

Abraham submitted to My blindfold. Will you? Keep your faith high through praise and memories of My works. Rehearse My Love for you. Use My music to keep your mind occupied, rather than let it wander. Clean your spirit house. Loose faith, peace, and Love. Do not peer into the future. Assume your assumptions are wrong. Be led by Me and wait. Abraham had the vision, but he blindly followed the path to reach it. Quietly discipline your mind to be at peace. Love the blinders like a warhorse.