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- Pearls of Wisdom
Loneliness is the real source of all heartache. I created you for fellowship. I created you for fellowship with Me . . . Jesus, the best Friend you can ever have. I Am the only…
You have experienced the enemy penetrating your dreams to terrorize you. You know I can speak to you while you are dreaming. How much more can We communicate in your thoughts? We can have fulfilling…
The weapons to use against anger are praise and forgiveness. They work every time. Forgive the difficult ones. Throw the memory away. Then praise Me over and over. Poof! Anger is gone! It works every…
You will see real doors open as you praise Me. I will not fail you. Praise Me while you wait on Me. Wait and praise. Praise and wait. I Am the way to escape all…
Do you need to escape? Do it through the door of praise. Praise Me over and over. The way of escape will open to you . . . it will lead you to My Love…
Do you want to see great power from heaven? Do you want to see My Glory? Praise Me. Praise Me, no matter what. Praise Me even though “__________.” Praise Me in your mind, body, and…
When you have only questions and no answers, praise Me. Continue to praise Me. The answers will come from My throne. I promise. This is real and true. Praise Me . . . Jesus Christ.…