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- Pearls of Wisdom
Never give something to someone for the purpose of receiving appreciation or gratitude from them. Give to others when I tell you . . . out of obedience and blindfolded faith in Me. Give to…
Do not confuse blindness with being blindfolded. Blindness is a defect. A sense that I gave you is not being used when you are blind. I placed a blindfold on you as a gift to…
You are My sheep and I Am your Shepherd. You are My child and I Am your Loving Father. You are My bride and I Am your caring and gentle Husband. I have placed a…
The more independent you are, the farther you are walking away from Me. Only the weak are close enough to Me to lean upon My Arm, feel My warmth, hear My gentle Voice, see Me…
When you have strength, determination, resources, knowledge, and plans, then you have independence. When you are able to “stand on your own two feet” and accomplish your goals, then you are independent. When you are…
What I have described (true intimacy). is not consistently possible between two humans. That is the deception of the enemy. That kind of intimacy is only possible with the one True Lover of your soul…
The more intimate two people are, the less they communicate about temporary, shallow, surface-level things. As their intimacy grows, their understanding of each other grows. Their trust in each other grows. Their desire for union…
As you draw near to Me, I draw near to you. How near I Am to you in intimacy depends on how near you draw to Me. Your desire is the control I hand over…