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- Pearls of Wisdom

Want even more peace? Remember that I Am God, the Creator, and Lord over all. Now, know this . . . I Am Your God. I Am the star on your team. I Am the…

Submission to the humble duties, despite injustice, brings peace. Complaining robs you of peace like a pickpocket quickly robs you of your gas money. Quickly accept Our Will. Be content with your current position. Peace…

Still low on peace like a driver is low in money for gas? Check your words and thoughts for complaints. Acceptance of where We place you and the tasks We give you bring peace. Proverbs…

You check your gas tank before driving somewhere. Check your peace before doing or saying anything. Low on peace? Check your thoughts. Are they filled with Love, selflessness, humility, compassion, good memories, remaining only in…

You will not be deceived by the enemy when you have Our peace. You will overcome temptation when you have Our peace. You will glide through storms when you have Our peace. How does Our…

Rejoice, even though things are going wrong and you see your own faults. Rejoice, as if you were watching your favorite team losing to their rival, but you know that the best player in the…

Remain in interior fellowship with Me. Idle conversation is a tactic to prevent fellowship with Me. Hang up the phone, politely remove yourself from the entertainment, or let the demanding one know you are not…

The enemy of your soul will fight hard to prevent you and Me from having conversations. He will use distractions and tell you that you are rude if you do not answer every question and…