The highest and best use of emotion is this: to use it as a force which fuels your determination to follow Me, your need to focus your attention on My Voice and your desire to turn from your investments in your life on the earth and abandon yourself to Me.
Let your emotion drive your determination to remain pure so that you can reach further heights of intimacy and union with Me.
Let your passion be funneled into a pinpointed desire to please Me and not yourself.
Let your homesickness for your eternal Home strengthen your detachment from the world and all it has to offer.
Let your love sickness for Me grow until you do not see anything but the prize…our union. Then it will be easier to overlook the faults of others and avoid offenses.
Let your sense of lostness without hearing My Voice each minute of the day grow until your emotions drive you to drop everything to be with Me and renew your spirit within My Love.
Emotions are good when they are governed by My purpose. My purpose for them is to bring Us into closer intimacy each day. All other use of emotion is fruitless and destructive.
Guard your heart against fruitless and destructive uses of emotion. Evaluate your use of your emotions at all times. Take dominion over them. Never allow them to dominate you. Step on the fruitless emotions.
Evaluate your emotions using the standard of the fruit of the Spirit. Do they lead you to more unselfish Love?
There are emotions of the flesh and emotions of the spirit through Holy Spirit. Learn the difference. Notice the difference at all times. An old English saying applies to the emotions of the flesh, “If you give them an inch, they will take a mile. “
Focus on sadness if it is the sadness of a heart that has felt the distance from Our Presence caused by sin. Do not focus on fruitless sadness.
Focus on anger if it is toward your own flesh which wants your heart to forget Us. All other anger is unfruitful.
Focus on fear if it directs you to cling to Our Presence and listen more intently to Our Voice. All other fear is fruitless.
Focus on happiness only if it is the overflow from being in direct contact with Us.
Focus on frustration so that you can dig through it and uncover hidden sin. Accept all of Our will for you, the difficult things as well as the easy. Lean on Our strength.
Examine your curiosity. Is it leading you to praise Me or is it feeding and fulfilling your flesh? If it is satisfying your flesh then your curiosity is a poison. Examine why you are curious.
Unchecked emotions open the door to demons. Step on the emotions of the flesh and close the door to demonic influence.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
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