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- Days of Destruction
Exchange the thoughts with Me. Then I will exchange your words so they will be new Life and Love-giving words. My Great Exchange includes your words and language . . . a whole new way…
How about giving a bad report during “venting?” “ Love others. When you Love them you overlook and cover their sin.” Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,…
How about porn? “The opposite is to Love Me. When you love Me, you want Me . . . which means you want to identify with Me and be with Me. There is no darkness…
Now read Philippians 4:8-9 and insert the word, ‘about’ and the names of the difficult ones right after each description. Do this every time you think about or talk to the difficult ones. Phil.4:8-9 Finally, brothers,…
5. Remember We are working. See how the Earth rotates and revolves creating constant change . . . change that leads to the goal of the culmination and Great Gathering. Romans 8:28 And we know…