Letters to Pearl

Preparing for the Days of Destruction

December 27, 2015

Do not follow the law of reason. That law ends in death. Follow the law of Love. The law of Love makes no sense and it costs you dearly, but it brings Life. Love is without reason. I have an unreasonable Love for you.

The Days of Destruction are here. I have an army who will follow My commands and die for Me. Will you join them? Will you give your Earth-life for Me?

Those who will die for Me through the violence of persecution are those who already chose to die for Me in their everyday Earth-lives. They chose to make their home with Me rather than invest in their life on Earth.

Will you lay down your Life for Me today? Those who sacrifice themselves for Me do not follow the law of reason. They do not follow religion. They do not desire the smallest respect or recognition from those I placed near them. Therefore, when the greater world takes those things away by force, they suffer no loss.

When My people live in a constant state of servitude to those who lord over them, then when real exterior slavery comes, they do not rebel or suffer from shock.

When My people volunteer to live without having their needs and desires met, they gain the experience and strength they need to suffer and die for Me when the real holocaust begins.

Martyrs are not born. They are made through the process of baby steps. They willingly give up rights and desires every day. So when the time comes for them to walk forward, they have experience and Love and desire for Me that prevents them from fainting.

Now I ask you, will you join My army of martyrs? Will you join the heavenly host who saw the cost and gladly accepted it in order to gain the prize?

If your answer is yes, then begin martyr practice today. Die for Me today in great and small ways. It is a process. Let’s begin today.

October 17, 2014

Obey Quickly

When I give you instructions like, “Speak the Truth, give a hug, do this task, admit your fault to that person, wait on Me, be quiet . . ., ” do not delay to obey. When you delay, your flesh and the enemy rush in to provide hindrances to obedience. Before you know it, the opportunity to obey is gone.

Learn Obedience Quickly

My Little Ones, the winds of destruction are almost here. To delay obedience is to prevent a rescue. Obedience is essential in times of disaster. Learn to obey during the time of peace. Soldiers do not train during the battle. Learn obedience quickly.

Prepare for Battle Now

Soldiers do not learn the power of their weapons during the battle. They learn during peace. Learn the power of obedience. Learn the power of silence. Learn the power of stillness. Learn the power of waiting. Learn the power of My Name. Learn the power of forgiveness. Learn the power of Love. Use these powers now. Understand how they work now. Prepare for battle now. Trust Me. All will be well.

Religion and Rituals will not help

During the days of destruction, religion and rituals will not help you. You will be saved by the knowledge of My Love and by obedience. All else will fail you.

On Your Hand and Your Heart
Write these words of Mine on your hand and your heart: ” I Am Here.” They will carry you through the days of destruction.

Lord at all Times!
I Am the Lord at all times . . . even during the days of destruction. I Am Here with you. I Am Here.

You are safe with Me
You are safe with Me at all times . . . I AM HERE

Write . . . I AM HERE
Calm yourself and others with this Truth. I AM HERE. Write it on your hand and your heart.

Fear Not

Recite My promise . . .
Recite My promise never to leave or forsake you during the days of destruction. I AM HERE.

Be Still and Quiet
During the days of destruction, know My Love for you. Be still and quiet. Obey My Voice. Write on your hand, ” AM HERE.” I will not leave you.

Do not focus on the news
Do not focus on the news. Focus on “I AM HERE.” Write it on your hand and heart. Sing those words to yourself and others.

Write it every day
Write on your other hand, “EMMANUEL.” It means, “I AM HERE.” Write these on your hands and heart every day during the days of destruction. I Love you!
In the Day of Destruction, look for My goodness. My goodness will still be with you in the land of the living. Do not focus on the pain and darkness you see. Focus on My goodness and Light. You will see My Hand of kindness and Love if you look for it.

Focus on Me, not pain and darkness

Tell your children to look for My goodness all around them and to give thanks for each happiness and goodness they find. It will be like an Easter egg hunt game. They will stop being afraid as they focus on My goodness. As you help them see My goodness, you will also calm down. Do this every day and night. All truly will be well. I Am the Lord and I will carry you.

Do not follow the crowd

In the Day of Destruction, do not follow the crowd. They will be wrong in their assessments and answers. Follow Me, even if you are alone. Trust My Voice. Calm down. Be still.  You will then hear Me. Do as I say. It will be the Voice of peace. I will take care of you. Do not follow the crowd. Let them go their way.

I Will take care of you

In the Day of Destruction, be calm and patient. Things will not play out as those who talk predictions. No one can foretell the events. Do not follow their voices of fear and self-protection. Follow Me.  You know that I Love you. I always take care of My own family. Write of My Love for you all over your house and car. Rehearse the Truth of My Love for you every hour . . . as you wake up and throughout the day. Speak of My Love to your children. My perfect, unchanging Love, for you will drive out fear. Cover yourself with the knowledge and words of My Love.

I Will provide for you

During the Day of Destruction, share what I provide for you with your neighbor, no matter how much they have hurt you. Forgive quickly and share.

Forgive and give right away

During the Day of Destruction, teach your children to take less for themselves and share the rest with their neighbor. There is peace and safety in giving to others who caused you pain in the past. Forgive and give. Your sacrifice will be a sweet-smelling fragrance in Heaven. Forgive and give right away. I Love you!

Serve Me faithfully. . . I Am here

In the Day of Destruction, as you remain calm and forgiving, I will place resources in your hands. Give them to others in need. I will trust you with more as you serve Me faithfully. I Am the Lord your God and I Am good. I Am here.

In the Day of Destruction, keep the words, “I Am here,” written on your right hand and on your heart. As others see My message, tell them the Truth of My goodness and forgiveness. Do not be afraid. I will give you the words to speak . . . just open your mouth.  I Am here.

  • Matthew 5:1 When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. 2He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying . . . 
  • Luke 12:12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”
  • Matthew 10: 19 But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
  • Luke 21:13 And so you will bear testimony to me. 14But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. 17Everyone will hate you because of me. 18But not a hair of your head will perish. 19Stand firm, and you will win life.

In the Day of Destruction, as your neighbors read, “I Am here” on your hand and see the forgiveness and peace in your heart, they will be awakened to the Truth. They will also become Mine. Tell them to write, “I Am here,” on their right hand and on their heart. Tell them to write of My Love for them all over their house and car. Tell them to forgive and give what I have put in their hands. As they give to others, I will give more to them. I Am the Lord God Almighty, the Master of the storm.

During the Day of Destruction, you will see My goodness verifying the Truth of My Love when you speak My Words to your neighbors. Listen to Me as I lead you through participation with Me in these signs and wonders. I will use your trust in Me to display My goodness, even during the deepest darkness and sorrow. Follow Me. We will do great things together. I Am here. Declare it to each other at all times.

During the Day of Destruction, as you gather together in My Name or see each other during the day, greet each other with these Words, ” He is here. I Am is here. His Name is Emmanuel, God is with us.”

During the Day of Destruction, when you rise each morning, greet each other and the children with these words, “He is here. I Am is here. Emmanuel is His Name.”

During the Day of Destruction, as you sit down to eat with your children or with your neighbor, give thanks by saying, “I Am is here. My Lord is here. Thank you, Emmanuel.  You are here.” This Truth will reign.

During the Day of Destruction, when you part with your loved ones, say to them, “I Am is here. I Am goes with you. I Am goes with me. Emmanuel is His Name.”

In the Day of Destruction, I Am here. My Name is Jesus, Emmanuel. I Am closer than your breath. I Am your very heartbeat. My great Love for you holds Me to you like gravity holds you to the Earth. I will not leave you for one second. I Am here.