Letters to Pearl

Choosing to be the Bride of Christ

The way to be filled with more of Me is to be conformed to My Will – to desire more of My Will, to agree with My Will even if it hurts, to flow with My Will, to make My Will your goal. To desire My Will is to desire Me in every situation, no matter how difficult it is. Then you will be filled with more of Me. Then you will be filled with less of your self. Then We Will have more union or oneness . . . and this is My Will.

The mystery of how to be the wife of God (the bride of Christ) is found in the directions of a wife’s submission to her husband. We are to submit to one another as practice. This means we want or “look out for” the interests of others” more than our own. This is Love and dying of self. This is fulfilling the law of Christ. This is practicing submission to God. Submission to God is to want His plan, purpose, and desire in every moment and circumstance, no matter how much it costs us in pain. This is the mystery of how to be the wife or spouse of God.

Making your marriage vows to God in Christ at the altar is to vow to see that His desire is carried out. It is appropriate to make this vow while standing at an altar, since it is a vow of sacrifice and death of your self, your plans, your desires, and your time on Earth to God in Christ. This is the wedding ceremony that takes place at the altar within our hearts. Deliberately go through the ceremony often, privately, with Me. Then taking communion will be Our special understanding and symbolic honeymoon.

To have union, true marriage, with Me is to adopt My Will and dismiss yours. Therefore, you must first know what My Will is at all times. The first step into marriage with Me is to desire to know, in all sincerity of heart, what My Will is in each moment. When you truly want to know My Will, then I Will show you.

To live as My bride on earth is to follow these steps each day:

1. Seek to know My desire in each moment.
2. See that My desire is carried out in you and by you each moment.
3. Do this only with the help of My Spirit and not by your own self.
4. Disregard your own desires at all times. This also you must do with the help of My Spirit.

“A true wife becomes an extension of her husband’s being . . . his will . . . while on Earth. She sees only to his interests and not to her own, except in that her interests become only his interests, and her will or desires become only those that belong to him. She leaves her desires behind, just as she leaves her old home behind. This is the meaning behind ” . . . a man shall leave his mother and father . . .” We leave the desires we had when we were born on Earth and exchange them for the desires of our new Home, our Husband . . . clinging to Him, becoming One with Him through wanting and carrying out His Will. God is His Will . . . God’s Will is God Himself. Not to want God’s Will at all times is to not want God Himself . . .” Pearl

“To want God’s blessings, but not all of His Will, is to want to be His neighbor rather than to be His bride . . .” Pearl

The more you seek and obey My Will, the more your own desires will change. You will come to Love My Will. To Love My desires is to Love Me. I Am My Will.

As We, you and I, become One, you fulfill My purposes and I fulfill you. The more you carry out My Will, the more you will be fulfilled by it . . . even though it brings you pain to do it . . . I Am My Will.

My Will is in My Words, therefore, I Am My Words. I Am the sum or total of My desire or Will. My Words are My desire. Listen to My Words to know Me. Jesus is Me because He is the expression of My desire, which is Me. Jesus, Who is My Will, and I are One. When you fulfill My Will, you become the expression of My desire on Earth. You and I become One, just as Jesus and I are One. My Will, My Words, and the expression of them are all Me. Marry Me and you marry My expressed Will . . . Jesus. My desire is made of pure Love. My Words, therefore, are pure Love. To express Me is to express Love. I Am Love. To marry Me is to marry the expression of pure Love. To fulfill My Will is to fulfill the living power of pure Love. Jesus is the expression of the living power of pure Love.