Letters to Pearl


Lesson in Faith

Matthew 9:27-30

“As Jesus left the house, two blind men began following him, shouting out over and over, “Son of David, show us mercy and heal us!” And they followed him right into the house where Jesus was staying. So Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I have the power to restore sight to your eyes?” They replied, “Yes Lord, we believe!” Then Jesus put his hands over their eyes and said, “You will have what your faith expects!” And instantly their eyes opened—they could see! Then Jesus warned them sternly, “Make sure that you tell no one what just happened!””

Picture the story happening. Jesus leaves the house where He was staying. He goes to do what He does…teaching and healing and delivering and loving the people. It’s a full day’s work. As soon as He left the house, 2 blind men started following Him and begging Him to heal them. Why didn’t Jesus heal them right away? Verse 28 says they followed Him right back to where He was staying. So that means they followed Him around the whole time He was out.

1. They had to have persistence and patience to keep following Him and waiting.

2. They spent the whole time with Jesus. They heard Him teaching for hours. They were there when He healed people and heard the gasps and sounds of freedom. They witnessed a lot. They learned a lot. Therefore, at the end of the day when Jesus returned home, they followed Him right into the house with much more faith and confidence in Him and His love than they had that morning. When Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I have the power to restore sight to your eyes?” they were able to say, “Yes Lord, we believe!”

When we need miracles and faith, we can hang around people who allow Jesus to live through them and do what He loves to do…teach, heal, deliver, raise the dead, restore families, and love people. Then our faith and confidence in receiving our own miracles grows. Ask for their testimonies and stories.

Choose who you follow carefully.



Sometimes darkness will attack us in our dreams. We all have experienced nightmares and terrors. We have experienced even direct attacks from demons paralyzing us as we sleep. We know we are to use the Name of Jesus like a gun against those demons.

Yes, there can be attacks of fear, but there can be other, subtle or tricky attacks as well.  Purity is important to me. The pure in heart see God. That means those who are clean in every area get to come close to Father and have even more relationship with Him. I want this with all my heart! So I want to be clean and pure. I want all my thoughts and words and feelings to be clean.

I want to fight against all impurities that try to come inside me. I’m motivated to be pure because I crave closeness with the Trinity.





I want to be so close that I’m in constant contact and enjoy constant fellowship with God. I’m not trying to be better than others. I just in love with Jesus. I desperately need my Father and His love. I really want Holy Spirit to fill me at all times. The closer I get to them, the I see more impurities and want to get them away from me. Satan hates the light of God in us. He wants to splash mud on our lamps. So, he attacks.

We can be attacked in a dream in which we are in a sinning situation like a sexual dream. We are vulnerable to these attacks if we have sinned sexually in our past. We can be attacked in dreams that remind us of injustice and unfairness to make us angry. We can be attacked with dreams that symbolize our current difficulties and seek to open the door of our hearts to self pity.

We all have vulnerable areas in our life. Old soul wounds are often places where the enemy likes to attack us in our thoughts and dreams.  Darkness also likes to attack us with our past. For example, if a man used to be involved with alcohol or drugs and is now set free and living a life of purity and has love for others, he can be attacked with dreams of doing what he used to do. He can have dreams of old friends and actually drinking and feeling the feelings of being drunk or high. Darkness can use these dreams to make us feel guilty or afraid that we have disappointed God. It can also tempt us or even open soul doors to give a place for demons to enter.  We must be on our guard while we are awake and while we are asleep.  Darkness looks for Opportunities to take control. It will use whatever door we open. For example, our eyes are doors. If we look at something that is of darkness then we open the door to our inner being for that darkness to enter.

  • Matthew 5:28 However, I say to you, if you look with lust in your eyes at a woman who is not your wife, you’ve already committed adultery in your heart.

Our ears are also doors. If we listen to gossip and are curious about other people’s sins or business then we open a door to our inner being for darkness to enter. If we listen to music filled with darkness then we make ourselves vulnerable again.

  • Proverbs 17:4 Those eager to embrace evil listen to slander, for a liar loves to listen to lies.

It’s like being on a diet to lose weight or to get physically healthy. We stop eating sugar and desserts and food that is high in carbohydrates. We guard our bodies against foods that bring sickness and too much weight. But there will always be temptation through a weakness. In order to be an over-comer and win against the dangerous foods, we have to make a decision BEFORE the attack comes to recognize it as soon as it begins and then fight against it. We have been given authority and the powerful Name of Jesus. Just like with attacks and temptations while we are awake, we must be aware of attacks when we sleep. Our spirit is separate from our emotions and our body. Our spirit can still be on guard against attacks. We have to ask the Spirit of God to help us take control of our dreams. The best way to begin is to take more control of our minds, emotions and bodies while we are awake. If we don’t take control over attacks while we are awake, we will definitely not be able to take control while our bodies are asleep.

  • 2 Corinthians 10:5 We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.
  • Ephesians 4:26-27  But don’t let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don’t let anger control you or be fuel for revenge, not for even a day. Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!

Don’t let the enemy get a foothold! Stop every negative feeling as soon as it begins.  Recognize that even the most sneaky feelings that seem like they should be there are actually demonic. Self pity is a very sneaky feeling that is demonic. It feels appropriate but it is not from God. It actually makes pain worse. It makes us focus on our wounds and also on the faults of others.

Curiosity is another sneaky one. Being curious about the lives and happenings of others instead of minding our own business is demonic. Daydreaming about what we desire is another sneaky one. It takes our mind off of the Spirit and puts it on our own wants. It makes us not be able to see in the physical as well as the spiritual world.

Practice taking control of your mind and emotions while you are awake. Then practice while you are asleep. Be on your guard because the devil is a lion seeking who he can destroy. Guard your heart at all times.

We actually do have the ability to stop dark dreams. We don’t have to endure them. We definitely don’t have to accept them and their temptations. The first step to winning a battle is to recognize that we are under attack. Ask Holy Spirit now to show you how the enemy is attacking you. Then renounce all involvement and resist the attack. Use the authority that you have and fire the gun of the Name of Jesus. Close all doors that the enemy is using in your life to enter. Repent for opening doors for darkness and temptation. Put the Blood of Jesus on your eyes, ears and mind doors. Do this intentionally.

Use your imagination and go to Jesus. Ask Him to put His Blood on your doors. Watch Him. Then ask Him to teach you how to fight the enemy. Ask Him to give you discernment about thoughts while you are awake and dreams while you are asleep. Ask Him to help you rise up against darkness as soon as it tries to attack. Don’t let it continue. The Name of Jesus is powerful.

    • Proverbs 4:23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.

If you have emotional wounds from past experiences, go to Him. Use your imagination. The Spirit of God will take over. Take the event to Him and place it in His Hands. Pull all bad feelings about what happened our of you and place them in His Hands. Usually, my bad feelings look like long roots that have been growing deep inside of me. I have to pull and pull them, like pulling a rope, to get them out.

The Bible describes an example of a bad feeling as a root of bitterness. Fear, rejection, wanting to die, jealousy, anger, lust, and other negative feelings can all be like long roots that wrap around our inner being. In your imagination, pull them out and put them in Jesus’s Hands. Then watch what He does with them. Ask Him to heal the wound where they were.

If there’s someone you need to forgive, being emotionally healed will help you to forgive and have compassion on the weak people around you. Emotional healing will make us less vulnerable and close doors against the enemy. It will help to protect us in our dreams also. The enemy is relentless. He looks for opportunities.

For those of us who want to be pure so we can be closer and closer to God, the enemy will see that attacks during the day don’t work so he tries to attack in our sleep. We can stop these attacks. Pray and ask for the Spirit of God to come to you while you sleep for protection and revelation. Ask for your spirit to remain awake and on guard against attacks. Be ready with your authority and the Name of Jesus.

Accept dreams from the Lord. Reject dreams from darkness. Stop them as soon as they begin.

We fight to win! We win because Jesus gave us His Blood. We win because we have His Presence and His Love. Love never fails to win. God is Love. Love Always Wins!

I Am in Control


My Hand is not shortened that it cannot save. Patience is necessary when you are concerned about the hearts of loved ones. No one knows what is truly happening in the heart of another. Even that person is largely unaware of all that is going on in his own  heart. Only I can search the depths of the human heart, just like only I can search the depths of the oceans. Time and circumstances belong to Me. I use both according to My  purposes. No one can control the intricacies of the life of another – except Me. I Am in  complete control. All the elements are at My disposal. Therefore, nothing is impossible for Me.

I do all things in My time, according to Papa’s plan. No one can thwart Our purposes. We use everything. Satan thought he could interfere with Our purpose and twist it according  to his desire. We used his plan to further Ours.

So when you encounter resistance and hardness of heart in others, do not be upset. When  they do not listen to your testimony, do not become worried. You cannot plant a garden when it is winter time and the ground is frozen. You are powerless to change the seasons on earth, just like you are powerless to control the heart of another. But We are working.  We are always working. The seasons change at Our command. To plant seed in frozen  ground is to waste the seed. Rather, have patience.

The farmer or gardener is not idle during the winter months. He knows the ground will eventually thaw, so he waits. While he is waiting, he studies seed catalogs and mends his tools. My Pearl, while you are waiting for the hearts of family members to thaw enough to accept seeds of truth, focus on your own relationship with Us. Let Us sharpen  and repair your tools – the tools of your heart. This task takes time. After all, you do not know what is happening in your own heart. Therefore, you do not know what is coming out of your heart in front of others. You cannot make yourself display My fruit just by  your own choosing. Your control over your own heart is incomplete. Therefore, the tools for gardening may not be effective in their current state. Have patience. Let Me repair and adapt the tools within your own heart, so that they can be used for planting a garden of  truth and salvation within someone else’s heart. Have patience. These things take time.

Be encouraged to know that We are always working. We work, even at night while everyone is sleeping. I can clean, repair, and sharpen the areas of your own heart while manipulating the season in the heart of another. I can also use your tools for planting a garden in hearts that belong to others whose season is one of springtime. Therefore, you  must watch and listen for the signs of Spring. When you see warmth on the countenance of an individual in the form of acceptance, interest, and brokenness, then you know the soil of their heart is soft and ready for planting. Do not attempt to plant before Spring. If  you do, your own tools may be damaged by discouragement and the seed wasted. You  will encounter hearts that are in springtime. Even then, you must follow My leading and  only speak when I give you the words.

Use the tools of love and service. Serve Papa and Jesus in your everyday life and the hearts of those in springtime will notice. Planting the seeds of truth will then be almost effortless. A farmer is also careful not to plant too many seeds too close together. When  the time is right for sharing truth with a loved one, follow My lead and only share what I  show you. Do not let zeal cause you to over plant, waste seed, and ruin the plan of the Master Gardener. Plant little by little.

Live your life of loving Me as the result of Our closeness, and I will use that as much as I  use more direct methods for planting seed. Moths are attracted to light. The light does not have to search for moths and convince them to come fly around it. All the light has to do is what it does without thought or effort – simply be light. Therefore, My Pearl, just relax and enjoy spending time with Jesus in your own garden. Explore your own marriage relationship with Him. Enjoy Our walks together in your garden. Let’s talk while we uncover mysteries that Papa has planted in your garden. I will teach you wonderful things. I will uproot weeds and cause flowers to bloom in your own garden.

Enjoy My Presence and bask in My peace. In the midst of Our fellowship in your garden, you will be pleased to discover that the season of your loved one’s heart has changed and  they have noticed the beauty of your own garden. They see the sweet fellowship We enjoy within your garden, and a yearning for that love-party begins in them. That is Papa’s way, My Pearl. Enjoy Our love-party within your garden. Only I know who has eyes to  see that love.

I will execute Papa’s plan and change the seasons of the heart, according to His will. Then planting a few seeds will be easy. So be patient and faithful, My Pearl. My Arm is not too short to reach the heart of your loved one. Just keep your eyes on Me and let’s enjoy Our  own love-party within the walls of your own garden. I love you, My Pearl.

  • Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.
  • Romans 8:27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is,  because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born,  and a time to die; A time to plant,  and a time to pluck what is planted
  • Matthew 7:3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
  • John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I  have been working.”

The Way Out of Complacency and Hypocrisy

Open persecution of the church is coming next. It will be open and not hidden. It will be applauded and not punished. It will be accepted and not shamed. There will be many voices of approval and even laughter.

But don’t be afraid. My people who call on My Name will be saved. I will protect them. Many will look and say to themselves, “‘This is the sign of the times that I heard about. I must join the people of God.” They will put down their rocks, leave their friends and go home.

Don’t be dismayed. This is not the end. For many thousands, it is the beginning. For most it is the way out of complacency and hypocrisy. It is a road to closeness with Me.

Don’t be afraid for I Am with you. I hear your voice calling out to Me. I will make a way where there is no way. My people will have a way in the wilderness to come close to Me. All who are willing, come! All who are weary and heavy laden, come! I will provide for you and give you rest.

A Sign of the Times

The stage is set for a great spiritual battle to take place on the earth. Those who are for Me and those who are against Me will begin to separate themselves from each other. Before now, they lived and fellow-shipped together in a measure of harmony. That peace will soon be destroyed. They will no longer live and work together. They will not eat together. They will not allow their children to play together. This is the time of the Great Separation. I Am separating My sheep from the goats. There will be a great divide. No one will bridge or cross the divide because no one will be neutral. There will no longer be complacency. There will be no straddling the fence. Each one will choose sides according to their heart’s desire. No one will be deceived unless they give permission to be deceived. They will not be forced. They will have a choice. Truth is there for all to see but each heart must choose the path it wants to take. This is the time of the great divide. It will be mirrored in nature by earthquakes which will divide the land. Choose this day whom you will serve.

Blue Revival

There is a revival taking place among the police officers all across the United States. Many are humbling themselves and turning to Me in repentance and commitment. They see the spiritual battle that is taking place. Many are now believing things they never thought they would believe. Many used to mock what they now believe. A revival is taking place that will reform the police system and bring new fellowship among the officers. They will now work together as one instead of jealousies and competitions.

The Dress Rehearsal

Lucifer wants to take over the earth now. But I said, “No, it isn’t time yet. The times have not been fulfilled yet.” So he has staged a dress rehearsal. This is what you see now. What he didn’t know was this dress rehearsal has ushered in the greatest awakening to the things of God that has ever happened. The signs and wonders that you see will increase as the darkness increases. There is a parade of false gods and false information that has been marching around the globe. The people are losing their appetite for it. It no longer tastes good to them. The diseases of their minds and bodies have taken over their lives and they want them to end. They are becoming as ripe berries, ready for harvesting. So do not be dismayed when you see the news. Conflicts will rise between the nations. The harvest is ready.

My people are bombarding Me with their prayers and I am answering their calls. Lift up your heads for salvation is at hand. Look to the skies as I display my glory in the heavens for all to see. Signs and wonders will appear in the sky. Some will say UFO’s are here. Others will say it’s the end. But My people who are ready for My Kingdom to come in their hearts will know that this is the time for their deliverance. They will turn from their wicked ways and run after Me. I will hear them and heal their land. Thus says the Lord of Hosts.

Hear the Word of the Lord to My people

I Am with you. Do not be afraid. There is no other God above Me. There is no other Name above My Name. No one shall speak against Me and My people and win.

There is no race set before you that you will not win. The only way you will not win is if you quit. Therefore do not lay down your weapons of faith. Do not give up. There will an an end. We will win. You must not quit or throw up your hands in despair.

Am I not the Lord of hosts? Am I not the Almighty One? Trust in Me and My Love for you and your children. Yes, I see what the enemy has done to your children. Know this, says the Lord Most High, the wicked will not go unpunished. They will be removed from their small thrones and their plans will be demolished and come to an end. I will save and rescue your children and they will learn from their foolishness and earthly wisdom. They will see the difference between good and evil. They will gain in understanding when they see the revealing of Truth.

Lift up your heads and see My Hands at work. Lift up your hearts and allow the peace of My Spirit come in. Sit before Me in quietness and stillness. Sit with Me in confidence and patience while I work. I Am the Lord your God and there is no battle that I will not win. I promise. I Love you.

Hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd

One of the biggest blocks to hearing His Voice is fear…fear that He isn’t speaking to you, fear that you can’t hear, fear of unworthiness, fear of what He will say, fear that you will hear incorrectly or make a mistake.

Fear is easily overcome by His love. So, if anyone is experiencing a hard time hearing the Voice of the Good Shepherd, soak in His Love. Then fear will grow weak and leave.

The more we want compassion, mercy and love for others, the easier it is to hear His Voice.

Love coming into us from the Trinity and love flowing through us to others really makes it easier to hear His Voice and see in the Spirit. That’s the secret to successfully hearing and seeing.

To Judge or as a Guide?


Did Father God give us the Ten Commandments to judge those around us with? Or, did He give us the Ten Commandments as a guide for our lives and to see the truth about ourselves?

Matthew 7:1-5 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.