Each heart knows if it seeks Me or something else. Every heart knows what it seeks. When a heart seeks Me, it will find Me, no matter what path it takes to find Me.
I can be found through many paths. Am I not everywhere? If a soul seeks Me in nature, Am I not there? If a soul seeks me through science, Am I not there? If a soul seeks Me through sacred rituals, Am I not there? If a soul seeks Me through history and ancient writings, Am I not there?
Two souls can take the same road but only one may find Me at the end of that road. The one who finds Me takes the road for the purpose of finding Me. The one who takes the same road but never finds Me, took that road for other purposes.
I Am here and I will be found by My children.
I will reveal Myself to My children. Some will see Me in the sky. Some as they tend the sick. Some as they kneel in church. Some as they sing. Some as they accept suffering. Some as they walk alone. Some as they give away. Some as they dream.
Some as they laugh and play with Me.
Two men can read the Bible. One sees Me and one doesn’t.
Two men can go to church. One finds Me there and one doesn’t.
Two men can travel the world looking for fulfillment and peace. One finds Me and one doesn’t.
Only the heart knows what it seeks.
Seek Me and you will find Me no matter what road you travel on. All roads lead to me when the traveler is looking for Me.
So do not judge the road another is taking to find me. I travel alongside My children who are looking for Me. If you condemn the road they travel on then you condemn My road also. I Am there. I Am everywhere and fill all things. My people will find Me.
Some find Me in water. Some in rocks. Some in caves. Some in the sky. Some under their covers. Some in a church. Some in a slum. Some in a drug house. Did not Rahab find Me in a family-operated house of prostitution? I Am here. I Am there.
I Am everywhere there are hungry souls. There is nothing that can stop Me from being with My children. Nothing. Ever.