My Beloved,
When you do not choose or like the god of your father, your friends, your culture then do not be alarmed or feel condemned. The god you do not like or want is not creator of Heaven and earth. He did not make you and Love you from before time began. The god you have been told is God is not a god at all. You know this deep inside because I made you to desire pure Love and mercy. No other entity who declares himself to be God can consistently Love you, have mercy on you and speak only Truth to you. No other entity can enter your heart and cause it to also become pure Love and mercy. Only the one True God can change a human heart and make it pure Love.
Whatever you choose to follow will make your heart to take its image. If you follow a false god you will take on the characteristics of the demons who began the lie to keep you from the Truth. You will not become Loving, merciful, peaceful, patient, fulfilled, self-less or forgiving. Instead you will be filled with the opposing qualities which are the qualities of Satan and his kingdom. Only Truth can bring you real Love and Life. Your distaste for and rejection of the god of those around you is not a rejection of Me. It is the acceptance of what I placed within you when I made you . . . the desire and ability to recognize Me, your Real Father, your Real Home. Your distaste for the ugliness you see in those who follow false gods, even if they call them by My Name, is simply the rejection within you of a people and false religion you do not want or belong to. Your distaste for this false god means you have a taste for Me, your Real Maker and the only One who Loves you completely.
Do not feel condemned for rejecting the false god who has taken those around you as prisoners. Your rejection of darkness is your desire for and acceptance of Light. Your rejection of violence, hatred, confusion, hypocrisy, inconsistency, greed, selfishness, and backbiting is your Love for Me. You actually know Me because you refuse the evil one who is the opposite of Me. You know Me by knowing your soul recoils at My opposing qualities that are in all false gods. Your soul longs for Me. Rejoice. You are closer to the Truth and the Real Kingdom of Heaven than those around you. You hunger for Truth and what is right. You hunger for Me and My eternal Love for you, My precious treasure, whom I made to shower My Truth and Love upon. You want Me. You know this because no one else can take the place of your Real Maker deep within your spirit. When two old friends have been apart for a long time and have an unexpected reunion they will eventually recognize each other. Their hearts will remember the love they shared even if their appearance is not familiar. You recognize Me because you recognize My Love. You know the religions of others is false because that Love you and I know and crave is not there. The evil one cannot give real, unconditional, forgiving, and healing Love. You Love Me because I first Loved you . . . way back before I even made you. You recognize Me because you know you want that Love. I Am Love. There is no other Love on earth or in Heaven other than what flows from Me. Come Home to Me and My Love for you. Rejoice that your rejection of the god of the misguided ones has led you back to your Real Home . . . Me. Welcome Home My Beloved child! I Am rejoicing over you! I Love you!
You may have heard of My Name, Jesus, but have darkness in your heart. You may call yourself one of My people but have unforgiveness, anger, self-love, and bitterness within you. If so, then you are not My follower and do not know Me. Demons know who I Am because I was before they were. I was before Satan was. Satan himself can pretend to be Me to gain followers. Do not be fooled. He cannot fill himself with real Love. Whether you are familiar with My Name and what it really means or not, you still know Me if you reject the ways of darkness. Rejection of darkness is your acceptance of Me. To hate cruelty is to hate what I hate. To Love peace, forgiveness, and compassion is to Love what I Love. If you hate what I hate and Love what I Love, then rejoice, you know Me! You are Mine! You recognize Truth when those around you try to push you to accept darkness and call it, “truth.” You know Truth. You know Me. Now I set you free. You are free to be with Me. You are free to understand what is Love. Truth is Love. No Love in those near you means no Truth in their false god and no truth in their path. You chose Me when you rejected their god.
To hate what I hate and Love what I Love is to Know Me. To know Me is to Love Me. To Love Me is to belong to Me. You are safe! You are Mine! Now focus on My Love for you. Receive My Love. Open your heart. Relax and I will fill you with My healing Love.
Do you now see? Now you understand that you belong to Me! You have been Mine all this time but you did not know it. You only knew that you did not want darkness. Not wanting darkness is the exact same as wanting Light. I am Light. Those who want Light want Me, Jesus. If you want Me then you belong to Me. See? You really are Mine! You are My Family! Father, Holy Spirit and I are one unit and We are your Family!
Pure Love does not contain fear or terror. If the god of those near you makes you afraid then know it is a false or demon god. Your heart does not yearn to be afraid. It yearns to be Loved. I made it to yearn for what only I can give. All demons and sins of others can make you afraid. Only I can give you what you want and need . . . pure, unchanging, ever understanding, always forgiving, constantly healing Love. If you found fear or terror then you did not find Me. I Am Love. My Love is for you.
Not one act of mercy, powered by My Love through you, will ever be in vain. Not one. Mercy always bears fruit. You may have to wait a little while but you will see fruit. My mercy was not wasted on you, was it? Look at how My mercy bore great fruit for Me by bringing you, the one I Love so much, to Me. We now have each other, forever, because My mercy is never in vain. Give acts of mercy today. You will see that they won’t be in vain.
My people are beautiful. They do not look like the rest of the world because they do not belong to the world and its religions, its value system or its ways of living. My people are beautiful because they become full of Love, peace, and Real Life, just like Their Father. You cannot tell whether someone belongs to their True Maker by outward appearances, declaration of religion or by their use of My Name. Demons all use those things and they have nothing in common with Me. No, to identify who someone belongs to, you must look beyond the surface. My children are children of Light and that Light never stops growing brighter. That means they are loving today, forgiving today, peaceful today, clean today, humble, and selfless today. They will be more loving, forgiving, peaceful, clean, humble, and selfless tomorrow. If you are not changing from darkness to Light more each day then you do not know the True Lover of your soul. You are following the prince of darkness. Darkness always runs from Light. Those who follow the True, Living Holy One grow in Light and shrink in darkness every day.