This site is only for those who want more than church, more than religion, more than “typical Christianity.” This site is for those who want intimacy with the Father, His Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. If you are satisfied with what you already have then that is fine. This site is only for those who want more. It is for those who want to be, not typical Christians but Followers of Jesus.
Below is a brief explanation on what each area contains, how it came about and what you can expect to find.
Letters to Pearl are hand written letters dictated to a woman named Pearl. They were received over a period of many months during her quiet times of devotion in the wee hours of the morning with the Lord. There exist over 700 pages of unedited letters (no errors or cross outs because none were needed). They are in five volumes (unknown to Pearl as she was taking dictation). and are free for those seeking intimacy with the Lord.
Pearls of Wisdom are devotions the Trinity has taught providing great blessings and insights. The lessons are clear, insightful, and rich in Biblical applications and reflect what Jesus said in Matthew 11:25:
“At that moment Jesus said: My Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I am grateful that you hid all this from wise and educated people and showed it to ordinary people.”
Lessons & Parables are lessons from the Trinity, some are excerpts from “Letters to Pearl.”
Posts are ongoing lessons that are added to the blog which can be followed. Each post falls in reverse chronological order. This natural ordering on a blog can create confusion with content that builds as the Pearls of Wisdom do. It is recommended, if one has not had the benefit of starting at the beginning, to link directly to the pages at their oldest dates (Pearls of Wisdom start in February). and read sequentially. Not all posts are Pearls of Wisdom. The permanent locations will be found at the bottom of each posting.
Resources are tools which the Trinity has identified as aids for seeking a deep relationship with the Lord in the interior, something that has been woefully lacking in the church for over one hundred years as the churches focusing almost exclusively on doctrine and intellectualism. This imbalance has resulted in intellectualism displacing intimacy.
There is no substitute for the Bible as it provides the foundations for discerning truth. But knowledge without relationship leads to legalism and defeats the purpose God intended it for, intimacy with Him. He wants us to know Him in the deepest part of our spirits and walk in moment by moment relationship with Him, with a strong spirit that can “hear” and understand Him every moment of every day. That is what mankind was made for, fellowship with the Almighty, only possible through the atoning work of His Son, Jesus the Christ. That is why He has written Letters to Pearl. He wants us to know Him in the inner most parts of our being. He is the Good Shepherd calling His sheep back to Himself. He is wooing and drawing His precious pearls from across the globe, back into relationship with Him. This is the sole purpose for the Letters to Pearl.
This page has the following sub pages.
This site is only for those who want more than church, more than religion, more than “typical Christianity.” This site is for those who want intimacy with the Father, His Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. If you are satisfied with what you already have then that is fine. This site is only for those who want more. It is for those who want to be, not typical Christians but Followers of Jesus.
Below is a brief explanation on what each area contains, how it came about and what you can expect to find.